Monkey pox is actually the V detoxing out of the body, so toxic it burns the skin and what all you see, like an access kind of. Instead of sweat with little amounts, it’s being rejected by the body so much that it actually opens the skin to rid it. So when it’s being detoxed so to speak, it’s leaving the body. They know this. Hence the Monkey Pox V to replace what poison was lost making sure their levels of poison remain in the body. That’s some diabolical evil planning.
Monkey pox is actually the V detoxing out of the body, so toxic it burns the skin and what all you see, like an access kind of. Instead of sweat with little amounts, it’s being rejected by the body so much that it actually opens the skin to rid it. So when it’s being detoxed so to speak, it’s leaving the body. They know this. Hence the Monkey Pox V to replace what poison was lost making sure their levels of poison remain in the body. That’s some diabolical evil planning.
so only the shit eaters and the children they molest have bodies capable of "detoxing"(tm)?
Access to what/where?