Every story like this is always put forth as some sort of "proof" of Flat Earth (including this one). Fake moon landing footage is not good evidence of "we've never been to the moon." There is a ton of fake footage of real things that have happened. Or even real footage of fake things that have happened. The tail has been wagging the dog since the movie industry came on line. In fact, that was the purpose that Rockefeller invested so much in creating television in the first place; to create the illusion.
Q stated explicitly that we have been to the moon. In order to believe in FE, you must both believe that Q lied directly, and you must ignore all of the evidence that the modern day FE push was created by CIA agents to make "truthers" look crazy.
Every story like this is always put forth as some sort of "proof" of Flat Earth (including this one). Fake moon landing footage is not good evidence of "we've never been to the moon." There is a ton of fake footage of real things that have happened. Or even real footage of fake things that have happened. The tail has been wagging the dog since the movie industry came on line. In fact, that was the purpose that Rockefeller invested so much in creating television in the first place; to create the illusion.
Q stated explicitly that we have been to the moon. In order to believe in FE, you must both believe that Q lied directly, and you must ignore all of the evidence that the modern day FE push was created by CIA agents to make "truthers" look crazy.
What is the Q post # where it’s explicitly stated that we have been to the moon? I must have missed it....
Also, not about the moon, but related: Q#2222
u/#q2225 u/#q2222
Disinfo is necessary