posted ago by CHAOS_ACTUAL ago by CHAOS_ACTUAL +20 / -0

Link to original Konnech complaint...


Link to Case Docket - Konnech v TtV, Phillips & Engelbrecht
(check daily to see if new filings posted, if tab on right is blue, click to read)


After first read through, seems to me, that True the Vote, Phillips and Engelbrecht can subpoena the FBI agents who authorized and participated in the operation to surveil and monitor the Wuhan based Konnech servers and also call as hostile witnesses the DOJ attorneys from the National Security Division who later, not only called the operation off, but then notified Konnech that their network had been surveilled and monitored by True the Vote, Phillips and Engelbrecht, omitting fact of FBI authorization and participation in the operation.

Its a great read, recommended. If I didn't know better (wink) I'd think that the attorneys for Konnech know their client is guilty as hell and is trying their best to hang Konnech out to dry by providing tons of self-incriminating and perjurious statements in the complaint but pretending to defend them to the uniformed blueanons.

If I were Catherine or Gregg, I'd start dropping the name "Dennis Montgomery" in every single one of my social media posts.

Konnech Complaint / Lawfare Lawsuit = Shark Cage

Engelbrecht - Phillips / Discovery = "Dennis Montgomery" = Shark

Farewell and Adieu
https://youtu.be/ekaKL218q_s (1 min / 2 sec)