So if they are from Massachusetts are they Masshole Maskholes? (my apologies to any MA residents who, like me, a conservative in NY, have to deal with the general perception of the state they live in :) )
The PhD in my username should indicate I'm not a medical doctor :) My wife and I found a Physician's Assistant who started getting a huge batch of new patients during covid because she didn't require masks, and was willing to prescribe "non-approved" treatments. I'm in Dutchess County (purple, but getting bluer because of the cityots moving up this way)
So if they are from Massachusetts are they Masshole Maskholes? (my apologies to any MA residents who, like me, a conservative in NY, have to deal with the general perception of the state they live in :) )
I don’t think there’s more than 2 or 3 of you in MA. Rare breed, indeed.
Where in NY? I see you’re a Dr. I’m still looking for a decent regular dr that doesn’t require mask. I’m on Long Island
The PhD in my username should indicate I'm not a medical doctor :) My wife and I found a Physician's Assistant who started getting a huge batch of new patients during covid because she didn't require masks, and was willing to prescribe "non-approved" treatments. I'm in Dutchess County (purple, but getting bluer because of the cityots moving up this way)
Masshole here.....carry apologies necessary.