I know this is off topic, and I'm sorry for that, but I don't know where to look for an answer.
I won't go into the details since it's personal, but the short and private version is, a family member of mine has a medical condition where she has recurring UTI's. There is a solution, but it involves surgery, and she doesn't want to have surgery right now with everything else going on. Mainly out of fear that the hospital will do something shady to her (like jab her against her will while she's under), assuming they would even let her have surgery without being jabbed in the first place.
Obviously I and the rest of our family have tried finding a solution for the medium term, but so far nothing seems to work for more than a week or two at most. And any "non mainstream" methods are undoubtedly being censored like HCQ and Ivermectin. So here I am, doing something I hate and asking for help and advice on a private matter from the only people I know that may have an actual answer.
So any advice? I've seen a few people mention that certain doses of Ivermectin may help, but I can't get anything concrete on that. Literally any help would be greatly appreciated since we're at our wits end.
EDIT: We know the exact cause of it, and we know why it keeps recurring. The problem is that the only permanent/long term treatment in this specific case involves surgery. Hence, we're looking for a medium term solution to treat symptoms and keep it from recurring until all this crazy medical cabal crap is over with.
I've had a handful over the years, more so in the past few. I've usually just increased my fluid intake (water), up to 2 gallons per day to flush it out on its own (I also stay very hydrate normally with 1 gallon of water per day). For what it's worth though I started listening to hertz frequencies/ binaural beats about a year ago to help with stress/anxiety/love/gratitude, etc. About 4 mo ago I started feeling a UTI coming on, couldn't sleep, unbearable pain; I had a thought to search online for UTI hertz relief and ended up finding links like below and that same night within minutes experienced relief and was able to sleep soundly. I listened for a couple more days (still drank fluids) and it was gone. It sounds like the person you mentioned has more of an underlying issue to address, but perhaps these tones could alleviate some pain they're experiencing when a UTI occurs?