For me, the point of my awakening was pre-Q, when an incident known as the so-called "vanishing" of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH-370 occurred. There's just way too much surveillance over our skies for me to believe the BS that was relayed by MSM outlets after that. And after that, it was one rabbit hole after another that led me towards getting the full picture of what was truly up. My only real exposure to "conspiracy theories" prior to this point was the (extremely little) knowledge that the rap community (for e.g. Immortal Technique) were speaking about things such as the Illuminati and 9/11 and Reptilians and all of that stuff, and, like any other normie, I refused to believe it. At that time, I clubbed it all in with "tinfoil hatter nonsense", like how the normies now club anything that sounds unbelievable with "flat earther nonsense" and such. But yes, after that flight disappearance incident, I pretty much woke up full-scale in about less than 6 months or so.
What's your awakening story?
To be honest. Started looking into paranormal stories and accounts during Halloween one year. Partly out of curiosity. Partly out wanting a scare. Started following rabbit holes. And here I am.
With my only real conclusion being. There’s a hell of a lot we aren’t being told or are actively discouraged from looking into.
This is how it was for me. I'd youtube things like "strange creature caught on camera" and eventually videos about Satanism in Hollywood and the government would start to show up. My initial thought was "why would the government and Hollywood worship Satan? This can't be real". And I'd keep ignoring it but eventually I clicked one and they laid out the evidence, symbolism etc... This was back in 2012 and I went down many rabbit holes including project bluebeam, royal child trafficking, aliens and giants, walmart/fema camps and now I'm here
Even I'm hearing about this for the very first time. They had FEMA camps in Walmart??? Or was it something they'd like planned for the future or so?
I just heard about this very recently too. Apparently most Walmarts are located very close to railways…