It all started when she horribly botched the assassination of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens because he was about to come clean with evidence she was selling stinger (ground-to-air) missiles, among other things, to Libyan terrorists during her time as the head of Dept. of State.
Stevens got away from the hit site and hunkered down in the an American diplomatic compound...
So, she ordered the terror cells in the area to spark up a crowd of radicals to come raid the place.
Then she blamed the whole stunt on a YouTube video which "offended" Mohammad's image.
Unfortunately for her, Sean Smith, Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty rejected an order from up high to stand down and went in to save Stevens.
They all lost their lives in the assault.
Though some rumors persist about a notorious server Stevens may or may not have been able to smuggle out before he died...
And Killary was kicked out of Obama's club.
But because of those four men and their sacrifice, we were offered a chance to stab at the heart of Satan's best bitch.
That's the meaning of this photo in Q post 4241.
The primary reason I'm here, and I suspect the primary reason Q could even begin posting, was because of these four men giving their lives in Benghazi, September 11th, 2012 and telling the "orders from above" (which were really orders from the pit in hell Hillary crawls into every night) to go fuck themselves.
Their sacrifice is the keynote in the downward spiral of the DeepState Cabal and all their ilk.
Everything since that day has been one shitshow after another for them constantly trying to lie their ways out of lies which all lead back to the she-bitch Killary and her dirty deals.
So, in an odd way, we can thank Hillary Clinton for being such an immense fuck-up. Her unbelievable incompetence was the biggest spark in the undoing of a centuries-long plan to create a Satanic New World Order.
If this is your first time hearing any of this, then you haven't dug deep enough into Q and all the DeepState's Dirty Deals.
For the rest of us. We haven't forgotten.
Just know it's the biggest fuck-up in her career, and she's had doozies...
And it's never stopped haunting her.
She was chosen to be President during the last 8 years of the 16-year plan Obama brewed up.
If not for Benghazi, and the fallout and press coverage surrounding it and her e-mails, she likely would have beat Trump in 2016.
This fuck-up of hers is the entire reason we aren't currently not only eating bugs, but being eaten by bugs in a trench somewhere with blue helmets marching over our rotting corpses.