Today I have done some extensive research into the ancient battle that rages on even today. I have reached the crossroads and have no idea which way to go from here. I was listening to Bill Cooper and he alleged that there is an ancient battle between French Freemasonry and English Freemasonry. My knowledge of the occult is strictly kabbalistic and of Jewish esotericism. If any of you are Masons, and can maybe clear some things up for me, I would greatly appreciate it. What is your version of the story? Who are the Good guys? Which side is with God, and which seeks to erase God, and bring us into this totalitarian socialist world government? Q often says it's biblical, and to follow the family lines. Are the Q team and the patriots simply a Different part of freemasonry? The American Colonies started out as anti-British Monarchy settlements, which then gained independence from Britain with the help of the French (masons) I am aware that the United States Constitution is very similar to the French masonic constitution. The first President of the United States was indeed a mason, George Washington.
My understanding is that before the American Revolution, the Rothschild banking family had taken over the British Economy, thus pulling the strings of the monarchy by this time. I am unaware if after the death of Queen Elizabeth II the monarchy is once again free from Rothschild's control. Q has mentioned strings have been cut and will continue to. We have a wealth of proof that confirms, Donald Trumps, involvement with the Q operation. Now, this is where it gets confusing, Trump is a Christian, and that is no secret, however, wouldn't his friendship with the Kennedys indicate that he would be on the side of the French Masons? If what Bill Cooper said is true, that is. Our Q patriots seem to mention God quite a lot of times, along with the name of Jesus mentioned twice in drops #4739 and #4542. JFK was killed by a shadow government, the same one he was warning against. His son was also murdered, by the same shadow government would be my guess. They both were Catholic. I am trying to make sense of these major world events dating back to the foundations of the order of the knight's templar.
So far what I think I found out is, that the Rothchilds have taken over many functions of governments around the world, and have enriched themselves in the process of total control. Slowly but surely the pyramid of power they have created is being chipped away. There is no doubt we are witnessing the struggle between two powers, some could say Good vs Evil. The Rothschilds seem to be the masterminds behind most of the infiltration and control, so much that they have taken over the Vatican, and the British Monarchy, and hold power in the United States with the aid of their puppet Soros. Soros has mentioned that Russia is a threat to the liberal world order, and so is China. and this is where it starts to get even more blurry. Because if my understanding is correct, didn't the templars aka the red shields (Rothschilds) seek to end the Church? Is this why they are so focused on ending Russia? a Christian nation? freed from the clutches of communism, and liberal Masonic control. Is Israel saved for the last, hinting that they will be the last place to be freed from Rothschild's control?
I think this is because the Khasarians (the true evils, the descendants of a tribe chosen by the some of the Elohim) were seriously and unequivocally called out by Russia and forced to “follow” one Religion of either Christianity, Islam or Jewish. They chose Jewish, as the Jewish were the most “used” to persecution. Thereby, since they continued to commit their name stealing, theft, murder and all things evil, they could “blame it on the Jews” with more ease. They have never forgiven Russia for this, and have long memories.
Also, from what I understand, the Bauers of the Red Shield are part of the 13 families/6000 or so interbred, evil fucks, but are not at the top. I think, from what I understand, one of the 3 Popes, is. Is it the Black Pope? I cannot remember.
Doesn’t the Fall of the Cabal series, or the Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal series touch on some of this? Maybe some one can re-post the links.
Here is a link to the roots of the KM and their hatred of Russia.
The hate for the Russian people makes sense now. They are Christians, and the Lutheran masons hate Christianity. Sad how the Vatican has fallen to this same evil. This is precisely why is better to not be a member of any organized religion. You never know who really pulls the strings. Let your body be the church, and let the flesh and blood sacrifice of Christ pay for the weight of our sins because this is the gift God has given us.
Jesus spoke against following the traditions of men. Modern day Christianity is such a mixture of pagan, humanism, a little scripture thrown in, compromise with the world...just follow Christ. Trying to find a truly biblical congregation is like going through a mine field and coming out intact
“In vain do they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.” Mt. 15:9
“You leave the commandment of God and hold to the tradition of men.” Mk. 7:8
So the Khazarian clan seems to date from 100-1200 AD the knight's templar date from 1118 AD until the Church started to kill them off and they went into hiding. Then the Templars adopted the name the red shields, Rothschild.
I see now what I was missing, it appears we are both correct. The Khazars are the templars and the Rothschilds, and for the most part, have succeeded in gaining control over much of the world. This explains why the Vatican allowed masons into the church, this must have happened right after the takeover.
Thank you for your input!! I want this all pieced together so I can get a better picture. Thank God!
If you want to go back to “the beginning”, investigate 6,000 years back or so, to the Anunaki/Elohim and the Numo. THEN you will see the true implications of the corruption on this slave planet.
I’m familiar with the epic of Gilgamesh. And as I understand it, the anunaki are responsible for the creation of man. They seeded us on this planet. If so my question is. Where does God and Christ fit into this?
Well, there's a whole flip side to the God VS Annunaki thing.
Scripture and other religious texts explain the annunaki, gods of old and great men of renown as the Nephilim & Raephalem and their decendants.
Basically the fallen angels are all the pantheon of gods and aliens and shiz.
Yeah I had a feeling the watcher as they are called in the book of Enoch, are the many gods from ancient cultures.
Yep precisely.
And not all were bad in the typical bad sense. Many were exiled to the Earth for helping man. But, that was against God's will. So, cast out to the island so to speak.
Ultimately, all this stuff is traced back to the same root. Younger Dryas event is the wipe out by God. 99% of civilization upheaved. Rebuild era. Mythos and followings survive and evolve in to our past that you guys have already been discussing. Enter modern times. Same show, different cast.
stay tuned folks! It's the new season of polymorphic mutating cult world control and you won't miss a thing because this show's been running for so long not even the producers care if you notice or not
Actually, they took credit for, and massively damaged by enslaving, the creations of the Numo. They enslaved various groups of humans by each claiming “one”, ie YHWH claiming the Jewish peoples. There were a couple of human tribes that refused to take them as masters, and continued to acknowledge the Numo. Check the oral traditions of the Salish peoples. The Anunaki were/are parasitical, cruel, evil, and not very smart. Also, they are long-lived, but not immortal. The Numo gifted humans (THEIR creations) with the gift of “soul immortality”, which the Anunaki massively resent.
The older epics, were, even then, written by those that conquered.
The Church and the King of France killed off the Templars because the Templars controlled the Economies. The Church, and the greedy King, was jealous of the money and Power that the Templars held. The Church, most definitely is NOT the good guy, here. It never has been.
Not entirely blameless, however, the Templars had their continuing strongholds in Portugal (which they created), and Scotland, the two countries that didn’t allow the “Purge”. The Templars became the Masons, from what I gather. I could be wrong, though.
I think that the Khasarians, under various names, (they are, after all, “name stealers”) have been causing their shit since before Babylon, and blaming everyone else. They cause murder upon murder, strife, war, famine, hatred, separation, persecution, etc in order to cover up their own crimes. They are the true meaning of coward. Sound familiar? This is TRULY the Last Battle, as NO MORE! Their latest settling place has been Ukraine, in the guise of Azov, etc. Still carry their hatred of Russia, and continue their shit by grouping ALL Ukrainians in with the Khasarians, and continue with their game plan, as they are incapable of any other course of action.
Sorry, preachy.
Any information helps. Bill cooper woke me up when I was still a teenager. Many years of research and changing my view little by little. Let’s say the journey has brought me to Christ, and I feel now I’m closer to the full picture then I ever was. Thank you
If the templars created Portugal this is a new revelation about who I am. My family dates back to Wealthy nobles who left Portugal for Spain, as well as ashkenazi Jews who migrated to Canary Islands Spain . Then somewhere along the line I may be connected to the Rothschilds or the templars. Regardless, Christ is my savior, and his blood cleans me of all filth.
From what I have noticed over the years, although especially in the last few years as I have Awakened, is that the history of humans is NOT what is “known”. Most of it has been suppressed by those afraid to let the knowledge out as it will mean the loss of their power. The 13 families rely on secrecy. I take it as a given, now, that 99% of what is “known” is wrong when it comes from Search Engines, taught in schools since 1880s or so (look at all the past history books and see what has been changed for political reasons; how many times were you criticized in school for asking questions outside the “norm”?), or taught by any Religion. ALL Religions, and I do mean ALL of them, were created as Psyops or methods of control, and as a means of eliminating all good, true, and free thinking humans. Indoctrination is necessary as creation, goodness and TRUTH are the enemies of those that have been in power since before Babylon. I get the religious fervour that people show, and I am happy for them they have their beliefs, and these beliefs bring them comfort, but I hope people keep in their hearts and minds that ALL of it has been a huge scam. Good people are good people. Good acts, good thoughts and good hearts belong to the individuals who wield them, not to something or somethings, that have conned others to believe their “goodness” comes from the Them, in order to suck the power and goodness for themselves, thereby robbing the individual of its sense of self and self worth. It is just another form of Name Stealing, but larger and more horrendous in these cases, as it is Soul Stealing or Energy Stealing.
I admire your quest for your own self history. Good for you. If you think there is any relation between you and the 13 families, then that’s okay. There are probably millions of people who have similar claims, considering the horrible deeds enacted by these 13 families for time far out of mind or memory. The deeds of others are theirs to pay for. The 13 families and the evil ilk are those that have inbred this only into the ones that have been permitted power. I don’t think you have anything to worry about, in your quest for your lineage. Your soul is intact if you are a good person, and try to do your best, and no harm. If you take responsibility for yourself and do your best, all your goodness comes from YOU, and belongs to YOU and the Universe.
Just my preachy take. Take of it what you will.
Thank you for that.
I love your thoughts, fren.