I am trying to take the high ground, but honesty, all I want to say (to the vaxed) is "You're a fuckwit, you don't know how to think, and your arrogance and snobbery may yet put you in an early grave, all I did was warn you and you scorned me, you get what you deserve"
Just trying to spread unity, but it really is tough.
So many old people were easily conned. Their old way of finding info, the news, has been compromised. A lot of them don’t know how to use the internet. Old people were the ones who died at a higher rate. They were scared into submission
I am trying to take the high ground, but honesty, all I want to say (to the vaxed) is "You're a fuckwit, you don't know how to think, and your arrogance and snobbery may yet put you in an early grave, all I did was warn you and you scorned me, you get what you deserve"
Just trying to spread unity, but it really is tough.
So many old people were easily conned. Their old way of finding info, the news, has been compromised. A lot of them don’t know how to use the internet. Old people were the ones who died at a higher rate. They were scared into submission