A better display would have been to collect small rocks, pebbles, sand and larger decorative rocks from various places throughout the Netherlands... and then create a display of decorative and interesting rocks that represent the nation.
Rather than mix the rocks, the backer board art display could transition from one region to the next to the next, showcasing the Netherlands from North to South and from East to West.
Instead, this looks like a group of animals got into a mud and rock fight.
A better display would have been to collect small rocks, pebbles, sand and larger decorative rocks from various places throughout the Netherlands... and then create a display of decorative and interesting rocks that represent the nation.
Rather than mix the rocks, the backer board art display could transition from one region to the next to the next, showcasing the Netherlands from North to South and from East to West.
Instead, this looks like a group of animals got into a mud and rock fight.
Exactly. It's a serious room, but a purposeful rock display would be appropriate.