posted ago by changeagent ago by changeagent +54 / -0

This is not fear porn. I just want to share that I have been reading comments across so many different blogs, as well as listening to conversations among people at the store, as well as hearing from one of my own family members (whom I would have never thought would have been tuned into something like this) about the high possibility that a strong CME from the sun will cause a geomagnetic storm this weekend (tomorrow or Saturday).

The reason I am mentioning this is that typically I only hear about something that is "fear porn" from a one-off source. But, this time it seems like the rumors have been spread far and wide and a lot of people seem to have it on their mind (I am extrapolating, of course--I have not conducted a national survey).

Anyway, my family was asking me about it and what to do. I said that first you have to know what you're dealing with. I suggested the following:

  1. If the power goes out, check your phone, and/or a flashlight. Do they still power on? If not, this is the worst case scenario--a full-on EMP via a CME or possibly a nuke overhead (I am oversimplifying, but this is the basic gist of it). If this is the case, take action immediately while everyone is confused, and get to the place you have already predetermined where you want to be in case of this event. This might mean walking or riding a bicycle if cars no longer work. If it's a matter of getting home from work, leave right away and push yourself hard to get home.

  2. If the power goes out but the phone and flashlight still work... it could just be a "normal" power outage--but since it is being talked about, it may be prolonged. Take precautions.

  3. If the cell phone and internet stop working but electricity is still on and other things like a flashlight still work, it may be an intentional communications shut down. If this is the case, it may last 10 days to 2 weeks. Shelter in place. Stay off the radar. Keep your phone charged and handy in case the Emergency Broadcast System is used. Do NOT be the one outside recording everything--it just makes you a target for whoever is taking advantage of the situation. And... there WILL BE people who try to take advantage of this situation, so have your self-defense items ready to go.

As far as what to do... well, it's a little late to prep for this. If you haven't prepped, then there's no harm leaving right now for the grocery store and getting 2 weeks worth of meals, preferably canned food that does not need refrigeration, and water. Those are the basics for sheltering in place for 2 weeks (but you could add self-defense... maybe a baseball bat if you don't have a firearm, or a knife; source of heat if you need it; a package of toilet paper because it is demoralizing when you run out... but you don't need to empty the damn store!)

We have all been praying for something to happen and for the White Hats to take action, even though that may not even be what is supposed to happen. And if ever there were a date-fag moment like this weekend that came true, it's only because it was time for the White Hats to take action--and the date fagging is just a way to create a cover for things to happen: "Let's spread the rumor that a CME is on the way and to expect large scale communication interruption, and once everyone is talking about it, we can actually turn things off, blame the CME, and round up the bad guys."

This is my hope. And if a real CME/EMP hits... well... it's been great talking to all of you on this Board. I am more ready today than I was a year ago thanks to this Board. Thank you, and I hope to see you on the other side, whatever that is--probably just Monday morning and people shouting "THAT'S WHY WE DON'T DATE FAG!".