Interesting.. had a condo in San Jose Del Cabo for several years and the guys I got to know down there told me it was translated by most as A-hole !! Which is closer to what he qualifies as, Although Stupid doesn’t miss the mark either !!!
That can't be. Penis would indicated part of a man. Beta isn't a man. Now he could qualify as a tampon. Scrawny until a problem arises, then he swells up. edit fixed autocorrect.
Pendejo = stupid, per a translation app.
Interesting.. had a condo in San Jose Del Cabo for several years and the guys I got to know down there told me it was translated by most as A-hole !! Which is closer to what he qualifies as, Although Stupid doesn’t miss the mark either !!!
It’s definitely asshole.
In spanglish slang it means "dumbass" or "dumbshit".
I think it means penis.
That can't be. Penis would indicated part of a man. Beta isn't a man. Now he could qualify as a tampon. Scrawny until a problem arises, then he swells up. edit fixed autocorrect.