Client at Adult Daycare "abused sexually by relative" investisgation just started.
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
I just strarted working in an Adult daycare Facility. And found out one of our Clients is being "abused sexually" . I immediately reported it to my Admin. Whom of course reported to all proper channels. Now a big investigation is going on. We both, along with the client got questioned today by investigators. We are very adiment about this person safety! Have any of you frens been through this? This is my first time. How can i help my client? They are high functioning mentally challenged. Also, how can my admin and i keep ourselves safe? All advice is appreciated. Thank you.
Elderly patients, especially women, frequently get UTIs. In fact UTIs can often make dementia worse before it is treated. It has more to do w lack of estrogen and is not necessarily indicative of assault.
Can confirm. Even in males, UTI will make a an early dementia patient look like they are completely demented overnight. Clear up the UTI and they come back to the functional level they were previously on.
Isn’t it fascinating? Thanks for the reply
Thank is comforting. Thank you for the insight.