Incredibly difficult to follow what he was predicting. Other than everyone else will collapse before the USD (which is obvious), how exactly does the collapse occur? What are the events to watch for? At what point does gold decouple? How do the Ruble and Yuan play into this analysis? For all of us who are worried about personal finances rather than the macroscopic issues faced by banks, how does this affect our personal strategies?
I've listened to a lot of financial commentators over the last couple of years. Most of it I can follow if I try hard, but I really couldn't get any helpful information from that report. It started off incredibly provocative, but the reasoning provided was incomprehensible.
I think this perspective is true to his viewpoint but he is missing the Great Awakening play that is going on behind the scenes. The Plan will likely play out differently than his model of just letting it all happen the way it would play out with no restructure plan waiting to take over when it falls. Why would Fed be bankrupting other nations intentionally? They would if they were part of The Plan. Otherwise this would be suicide for them. Treasury took over Fed before Trump “left office”. This fact seems to be missed by many.
Not just Europe. All western central banks are throwing their lot into keeping the Fed treasuries alive. Hence the USD shooting up and up.
In reality, this was written in stone in late 90s and even before that. Ponzi scheme needs to come down eventually, and that time is now.
You can try to be the last brick in the pyramid to collapse, but collapse you will.
Incredibly difficult to follow what he was predicting. Other than everyone else will collapse before the USD (which is obvious), how exactly does the collapse occur? What are the events to watch for? At what point does gold decouple? How do the Ruble and Yuan play into this analysis? For all of us who are worried about personal finances rather than the macroscopic issues faced by banks, how does this affect our personal strategies?
I've listened to a lot of financial commentators over the last couple of years. Most of it I can follow if I try hard, but I really couldn't get any helpful information from that report. It started off incredibly provocative, but the reasoning provided was incomprehensible.
I think this perspective is true to his viewpoint but he is missing the Great Awakening play that is going on behind the scenes. The Plan will likely play out differently than his model of just letting it all happen the way it would play out with no restructure plan waiting to take over when it falls. Why would Fed be bankrupting other nations intentionally? They would if they were part of The Plan. Otherwise this would be suicide for them. Treasury took over Fed before Trump “left office”. This fact seems to be missed by many.