If the Peoples liberation army is working against Xi, and has been following orders from the cabal, then there is no doubt in my mind this coup could very well be true, and that they have him, hostage, in order for them to make it seem normal, and be able to send out orders to the Chain of command as if it was Xi giving the orders. They can do this in a number of ways, including deep fakes, or even forcing him to bark orders on video, kill him after, and use the footage accordingly. 3 hot zones right now, are the Ukraine-Russian Border, the straight of Taiwan, and the U.S-Mexico border. Iran undergoing possible revolt. The war has been started long ago, and this is just now making its way into the public domain and most of the world is now seeing it unfold, in reality, this is not the start, it's been happening for a while.
Have Faith, Pray, and Trust the plan.
For God & Country, and the World
He isn't exactly the most trustworthy reporter though. But keeping all ears open