As Trump is pushing Q more and more this board can experience various kind of attacks to prevent new potential eyes to join and learn. Let’s be aware what can happen:
- Site down
Not sure you’ve noticed but those who’ve been using the site today might noticed that the site was down for some time:,,, all were down at the same time. I don’t know the reason but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s caused by the DS.
- Shills.
You know, they come to create a feeling of hostile community, to divide and force people hate each other and leave.
- Fake news
The DS can try to show all new visitors that the site discuses conspiracy theories that are proven lies shortly thereafter. Let’s be aware.
Our high level of recent hopium, e.g. queen funeral, Elton John, etc. all these make us easy targets and liars can share new ideas easily so we believe, upvote and they make us look foolish in the eyes of new comers.
Sometime basic check, a bit of due diligence, can be enough to notice and discredit a lie. Also we can prevent upvoting something that doesn’t look right and we haven’t verified ourselves, at after in 5-10 seconds of research. Don’t give upvote for nothing. Expect the author to post some verifiable source.
Just an example: Someone has claimed yesterday that thousands of flights have been cancelled in China, so I went to flight radar and checked. All looked normal, no flights over Tibet mountains but normal planes density everywhere else, so I thought let’s wait will tomorrow, these flights maybe started earlier so they still have to land somewhere but no new flights should start then. So I’ve checked it this morning again and there is no change. Same flights pattern, same density of planes on the map. Then there was another post saying that the author has a husband from China and he translates the Chinese news and responded to me in comments that these planes are military. Again I went to the flight radar and checked: all of them are normal commercial flights, on the flight radar you can see where they’re coming from and where they’re going: not military, only commercial flights, most of them starting or landing in China (so not just transit over Chinese air space).
You can check if yourself, don’t believe me, that’s what I’m encouraging you, right?
Be aware: Local time in China. You won’t see many planes between 1am and 6am China time.,102.4/5
This example shows how someone can easily discredit the board and I believe MSM will be trying to do it to discredit us and discourage people from even checking this board. Trump will be trying to push more and more. The only thing MSM will be able to do is to program NPCs:
”Don’t look there. See how foolish they are. They believe these lies. We can show you these are lies. This is flight radar. You see? All these Q stuff are fake like this.”.
And they will program people not to even check. We cannot have unreliable information pinned and upvoted without basic research.
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