Need research help! Important!!! Please!!!
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
I’m pouring through everything I possibly can and coming up short. I could use some of your research help! Can you help me find studies or any literature that is showing a link between the death jab and Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). My now x wife vaxed my kids against my wishes. They all 3 had adverse reactions. My beautiful 13 y/o daughter stopped having her period right after her vax a year and a half ago and was diagnosed with Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS. Now Docs are saying there is no link, but I know they are full of shit. Her problems began right after the poisonous vax.
Please help me find any info or studies showing a link! Please!
EXCLUSIVE: 80 of the most common adverse events reported after Covid-19 vaccination DATED: OCTOBER 13, 2021 BY SHARYL ATTKISSON
On the list:
101 Ovarian disorders, cyst, rupture, necrosis, failure
"101" indicates that VAERS had received that many such reports
When you browse through the list, you'll get the definite impression that ANY disease or condition may well have been caused, triggered, or made more likely because of the jab.