Need research help! Important!!! Please!!!
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
I’m pouring through everything I possibly can and coming up short. I could use some of your research help! Can you help me find studies or any literature that is showing a link between the death jab and Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). My now x wife vaxed my kids against my wishes. They all 3 had adverse reactions. My beautiful 13 y/o daughter stopped having her period right after her vax a year and a half ago and was diagnosed with Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS. Now Docs are saying there is no link, but I know they are full of shit. Her problems began right after the poisonous vax.
Please help me find any info or studies showing a link! Please!
Sorry to hear that your kids were adversely affected by their mother's choices. Her well meaning intentions may in the end not prove to be so wise. You cannot undo what has already been done, so moving forward from here is what is important to help your children get past this and recover. It is a tough balancing act attempting to educate your children while at the same time not causing them to be a odds with their mother. Good luck.
Women with PCOS often have higher than normal insulin levels. High insulin levels can cause the ovaries to produce more androgens, like testosterone, that can further exacerbate irregularities. Excess weight can contribute to a vicious cycle and is epidemic among young people. Diet is crucial in controlling PCOS since dietary intake may be one of the main drivers. The high amounts of processed carbohydrates and HFCS along with chemicals like glyphosates and plastics can cause any number of hormonal dysregulation problems for women and men. Every patient I saw with PCOS had these dietary issues. The numbers of young women with PCOS is alarming. If these higher than normal insulin levels are not brought into line through diet and exercise, insulin resistance can result which may eventually lead to diabetes along with a cascade of other health issues. The youngest patient I treated with insulin resistance was a 16 year old female that had PCOS.
We know through biodistribution studies that the lipid nanoparticles have a high affinity for ovarian tissue making it likely that any vaxxine that uses this technology will end up in ovarian tissue. Just so you are aware, the flu vaxxines are moving towards this tech as well. So, if your daughter was already teetering with possible insulin dysregulation, along with high amounts of androgenic promoting chemicals in her body, a jab could likely send her over the edge. There are no studies that I am aware of that make a link between the vaxxines and PCOS. So trying to convince your ex that she made a huge mistake will be difficult at best. In actuality, the jabs may only be the tip of a much bigger iceberg concerning your children's health.