Hear me out in this early bird thought of mine
You're an eugenicist, you only want the physically best amongst humans to survive (exceptions made for the fat, rotten, adrenochrome-guzzling billionaires that bankroll you and their more-inbred-than-the-House-of-Hapsburg-living-in-Alabama families of course)
So you make up a drug to kill and sterilize as much people as possible, and the mockingbird media and the jackboots will do their part to force as many as possible to take it.
Aaaaaand it's killing young, athletic and perfectly healthy individuals while the 400-lb neon-haired SJW's with a permanent double IV drip of Ben'n'Jerries and the malnourished vegan soyboys are still out there.
Makes even less of a sense if you're a white supremacist, in which case the shots should be completely decimating places like South America, South-East Asia, China and India.
What gives ?
We could speculate for hours without any firm knowledge. For instance, maybe the process is in two or more parts to disguise how it is happening so all the jabbed people could now be sitting there with a metaphorical noose round their necks. Part 2 will open the trap door.
A problem with the mRNA jabs is that they continue to produce the toxic spike protein so part 2 could be some way off.
Maybe it is not eugenics-related but just a money-making exercise. Bill Gates already told us that vaccines are a good way to convert $10 billion into $200 billion. It has to be said that the COVID-19 jabs have already killed more people than every other vaccine added together over a thirty year period.
If people have been sterilised it will take a while to filter through. The alternatives are endless we just need to make our own decisions based on our research and be prepared to live with the consequences.
Money will be made for cancer treatments, heart disease (s/p heart attacks, irregularities, etc.), neurological diseases (strokes, Alzheimer’s/dementia, muscle wasting, Guillian barre symptoms), infertility treatments, etc. Not only will money be made from pharmaceuticals, but from surgeries, nursing home/home care, physical and rehab therapy, funeral services.