WELCOME, NEWCOMERS! With GEOTUS now taking Q public, we have lots of new faces here on GAW! The mod team has condensed the sidebar into this handy Venn diagram. Moon hoaxers, chemtards, and flat chester's are not allowed. Why? 1) its not on Q, and 2) this is GAW, not AM Coast to Coast! Have FUN! 🐸

This was a nice way to start the day. So glad you are tightening the rules as I've gotten sick of flat faggotry muddying the water as well as all this other stuff.
Regarding chemtrails and HAARP, I have concluded that man can at best manipulate weather, but even then it's not an exact science. If the cabal faggots had control like that, then they wouldn't bother with drones or prisons. They simply threaten to zap any one of us to display their capabilities and we'd all likely fall in line.
But they don't do they? No instead they resort to demolition of man made structures, convincing us to keep tracking and listening devices and a plethora of other very obvious and considerably more practical methods to keep us under their fear and influence.
"Disinfo is necessary" likely has more to do with plausible deniability and validating the deltas. Q said very plainly and directly that the Earth isn't flat. If Q goes back on that, that's not "disinfo" that's a flat out fuckin lie. And yes, there IS a difference between misdirection and direct bold faced lying.
This is NOT a conspiracy safe space and I am glad to see the mods not only stepping up enforcement of the rules that have been long since established, but also calling out clown accounts that have been dormant and only come out to muddy the water. You best start behaving more genuine around here or else you won't get to participate. Fuck you clowns and your fringe conspiracies.
Satanic paedophile vampires is a fringe conspiracy.
In fact all conspiracies are fine to those who don’t believe them.
Since when does belief enter into it? I can PROVE Podesta is a satanic pedo.
Go, let’s see the proof
Dead serious this better be a rhetorical statement, mate.
Can't even spell pedophile correctly... hmmm.
And no it is NOT fringe at all. There is plenty of sources that prove it. You've been duped by CIA mockingbird bullshit like lazor beams and holographic planes, theories designed specifically to fool people like you into seeing all conspiracies as "fringe" conspiracy.
Most of the world is waking up to this garbage. Every day we see places in countries across Europe rising up against the globohomo faggots and a lot of them are calling out groomers. This may have been "fringe conspiracy" in the 90s and early 2000s when most of us, myself included were still living in the illusion. But today it most certainly is not. And it's also mentioned in a fuck ton of Q posts along with Q confirming the Earth isn't flat... so...
It’s spelled paedophile where I’m from.
I’m afraid to say it IS fringe. You may not realise it if you occupy a silo where it feels like everybody is on the same page as you but if you go out and talk about that in the wild then we both know you’re going to be put in the crazy category.
Also, equating the obvious grooming that is going on with satanic pedo vampires is unlikely to get past most peoples bullshit detector.
Who cares if it’s mentioned in a Q post or not? That’s not a barometer of truth whatsoever.
Like clockwork.