WELCOME, NEWCOMERS! With GEOTUS now taking Q public, we have lots of new faces here on GAW! The mod team has condensed the sidebar into this handy Venn diagram. Moon hoaxers, chemtards, and flat chester's are not allowed. Why? 1) its not on Q, and 2) this is GAW, not AM Coast to Coast! Have FUN! 🐸

Curious whether you are posting this in support of me or as an example of something else? It shows the same thing my vid shows ie that what you are looking at is CLEARLY not a sun
Looks like Arcturius
It shows your pathetic out of focus videos being brought into proper focus. See how once it is in focus it no longer looks like a big blob of pulsing rainbows? Funny, that.
Dear Lord. How idiotic can you be? You think that zooming OUT until it becomes just a small bright dot is actually focusing? Oof
Genuinely curious how you account for that big black hole in the middle of it?
And genuinely curious if you honestly think that what you saw there is the same thing as our sun?
Dunning, meet Kruger.
What are your answers though?