WELCOME, NEWCOMERS! With GEOTUS now taking Q public, we have lots of new faces here on GAW! The mod team has condensed the sidebar into this handy Venn diagram. Moon hoaxers, chemtards, and flat chester's are not allowed. Why? 1) its not on Q, and 2) this is GAW, not AM Coast to Coast! Have FUN! 🐸
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Chemtard??? Wow.
Considering film footage, congressional testimony, govt programs, other countries admitting to geo-engineering, HAARP, over 2,000 govt patents re: aerosol spraying, lakes and rivers testing off the charts for barium, strontium, aluminum which are not naturally occurring, Bill Gates own “dimming the sun,” research done by Dane Wingington, pictures of the not natural metallic rainbow clouds when the sun hits them (use ur polarized shades), my own eyes watching the planes spray over a storm and watching it dissolve….ad-freakin-nauseam.
Several years ago, AZ residents had their blood tested for barium, strontium, aluminum. Many of them were sick and experiencing health problems. Their blood tests for these unnatural compounds were off the charts. People from all over AZ came and had a town hall with Kelli Ward (hence the name “Chemtrail Kelly”). You really think Kelly Ward would entertain a town hall on this subject if this was all BS? It almost ruined her political career. Unlike others, she had the courage to address the problem.
At this point everything is Q related and suspect if it harms the public and is admitted by the DS govt(s).
Frankly, as a mod, I thot you would be better informed on this subject.
Chemtrails coming from commercial aircraft cannot. It would take so many planes to make the "chemtrails" over your house that it would qualify as the 3rd largest airline in the USA. I see these retards on conspiracies.WIN discussing 'chemtrails' over their morning coffee, saying things like, "Chemtrails were so thick today!" Fucking retarded. Where do you live? Eastern Oregon. Where do you live? North Carolina. "I can see four lines in the sky right now!" or "I saw streaks coming from the wing as he was landing!" Then the retards in the EU weigh in. "They're all over here right now, too!"
The KC-135 air refuelling tanker has to dump his outer wing tanks because it's a commercial airliner repurposed as a military air refueler and has a low landing weight specification. Nobody that knows aircraft intimately believes this crap.
The air industry has changed a ton in the past 15 years along. Aircraft, airports, engines, routes, everything has changed so much. Long haul, non-stop flights are far, far more common. Americans (before covid) fly four times more air miles per year than they did in the 1980's. And the engines are far more efficient, meaning that they produce less smoke and (due to efficient burning of the jet fuel) more water vapour, which gets released at high altitudes where contrails form best. Lastly, aircraft fly at higher altitudes, and for longer. Go on FlightRadar24 and filter by flights flying about 31,000 feet. There are over 400+ flights squawking above that altitude right now.
YES, geoengineering is a thing. Yes, Spain had a secret program. Yes, it was special-purpose, military aircraft with dedicated sprayers. The idea that it's in the jet fuel somehow (so let's get a sample of that, then), yet it's also able to be turned on and off and spray on demand (requires dedicated equipment in the plane, and I have personally done training on B-checks for 737, 757, and 767 aircraft, as well as toured several HMV's on 747s, which are absolutely nuts). THIS EQUIPMENT DOES NOT EXIST. There are not 500 flights per day dedicated to "chemtrails" in the sky. Even once a week. It's just ludicrous to anyone intelligent enough to think this through and who understands aviation to believe.
Take it to conspiracies.WIN or wherever fuckwits with these levels of intelligence are serviced. Thank you.
So, here's my question, why on some days there are lines everywhere and on some nothing? You aren't going to tell me there is no air traffic on those days because that's bullshit. It's not wind either that is "blowing" away the lines. So where did they go then?
By the way, I missed the fact that this thread is 6 months old when replying.
It must have been reanimated.