What If Cancer Was Already Cured?
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I'm sorry about your mom. I too lost my mom to cancer, she was in her 40s, it was in the 1980s.I watched her suffer from radiation and chemotherapy and she died anyway. I promised myself, no matter what, I would never take those if diagnosed with cancer. Remember when Jimmy Carter announced he had stage 4 melanoma, some years ago, and 3 months later he was cured? How did that happen? Of course they've had a cure, probably for a long time.🤬
Dang. I feel you. My mom was late 30s, mid 2000s. Did experimental interfuron(sp?) Less than 2 years from diagnosis to urn. She was a big lady and a skin tent on bones before the end. Her last words to me were "why am I still here?" I was dragged out by my shirt and told i wasnt allowed to be where I was... never forget.
Sorry for the loss of your mom Dash.
No worries friend. I would have never gotten where I am. I'm past the halfway point. I even forgot last couple years.
We are not our own!
Sorry for your loss AngelCole. The more we learn about how much pharma, cdc, fda, the gov ... have lied to us all this time about treatments puts the fight in us to not to let them get over on us ever again. I told my family if I was to ever get cancer, I won't be doing chemo, we'd need to find alternate treatments.