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I was so blown away by the information in Billy Carsons hour long video I had to post it! Mostly about the evidence of the annanuki and what gurdjieff called esoteric geometry ...how messages and instructions were encoded into buildings statutes works of art..dances etc.
DARPA can now connect a soldiers consciousness to a robot in battle now working on growing a body from a skin cell so you can transfer your consciousness to another clone of you. This is in imitation of the regeneration chambers in the halls of Amenti and elsewhere that the annanuki used to achieve very long lives...while the body slept and renewed they would live among men in another clone and another name.
Is this why USA invaded Iraq etc? .
...our metric system was encoded in cuneiform tablets from 10000 years ago
The technical information from the measurements of the pyramid to measurement of sun solar systems etc . Is more than I have heard elsewhere .also encoded is the fact that you have to travel 33 times the speed of light to escape the earth and suns gravitation to space travel. That's what the 33 degree mason is all about!
This is only part one!
Wait do you mean speed of sound?
I believe sound travels at 734 mph. Remember the old sonic booms when the jets would break the barrier?
I dont know..I just copied it down...I may have got it wrong...it's near the end....means nothing to me!!
Wow, talk about coincidence. I was just watching the interview of Joseph Farrel on the Dark Journalist where they were talking about the looting of Baghdad museum and how that must be related to the cuneiform tablets, which msot probably contained an inventory of weapons of mass destruction buried on Earth by the Annunaki.
I think they would search hard for the regeneration chambers ..this is what the elites want...to keep all their ill gotten gains .....you can still die.. the annanuki died and some were sentenced to death..even the Bible talks about one of the elohim king ahaziah falling out of an upstairs window and sent a message a to another elohim called baalzebub the god of Enron if I will well again but Yahweh angry saying is there no god in Israel you can ask? The elohim..the aliens called themselves gods ..they liked to be worshipped and the slaves to be terrified of disobeying
King ahaziah died
The stargate SG-1 had multiple stories where they had this very kind of regeneration chambers, and alien overlords used it to regenrate themselves. There has been talk that SG-1 was a MJ12 disclosure project.
I love sci fi and saw the the SG 1 Stargate series ...
So does it mean they are still here? Clif high said they left and gave control to Rothschilds etc ..are they behind the drive to make us into a type two civilization?
I hope we split into two if that's the case..one in their smart cities and those that want to staying as we are without transhumanism.