Back story. My grandmother fell. She’s ok, but in those first few hours of drama we called the ambulance and took her to our local ER. This is not a tiny town hospital, population 300,000 residents. It’s packed! While the white Covid tents are long gone, they need them back up because there are so many people there that they are waiting outside in the parking garage just outside the ER. Standing room only or sit outside. The ICU is full according my my friend who’s a nurse. Full of Covid patients.
At first my assumption was that the vaccine, which codes the body to make spike proteins, was triggering positive Coof tests.
So I did some digging over on the MSM and CDC pages and found their fact checkers shooting holes in that argument, I wrongly assumed the spike protein WAS the virus therefore easy for vaccinated patients to get positive PCR tests.
I didn’t understand...the spike PROTEIN and the viral DNA are 2 distinct things. This is key to why the vaccines don’t work.
The spike is the “envelope” carrying virus dna. Catch Coof naturally and you get spike protein and viral DNA. Natural immunity is superior. Take the vaccine and you get instructions to build a spike protein and NO viral DNA inside. Vaccinated people start producing spikes and as the immune response mounts, it turns into an Auto Immune Syndrome fighting itself back and forth. This makes you susceptible to every illness that flies by, even other Corona viruses. But because there is no viral dna inside the spike your body made, then no immune response is ever made for the virus. Now you just have an auto immune problem and 0 immunity to the thing you were trying to be immune from. Your body is looking for viral dna to fight, not a protein, so the vaccine fails. Basically you get all the shit and none of the honey.
Coof is just a common cold rebranded and flu deaths were used to conflate the numbers, but these people are sick and getting sicker because they just compromised their immune system.
Obvious to many, I know, but it was the piece to the puzzle I needed to stitch up the holes on my normies friends arguments.
I believe that for decades now scientists in China or where ever create corona viruses and flus each year and they release them like new car models. Its done for research purposes and to sell phama drugs and flu shots. Nothing special about Covid just designed with a different set of goals in mind.