Lost a loved one yesterday
I'm not sure what really say frens. My cousin committed suicide yesterday morning. We were born 5 days apart and raised as brothers. He was only 32. I don't know what im gonna do without him. I don't know what im gonna do without him. I loved him.
Truly and deeply sorry for your loss.
What will you do without him? You will live the life that you had both wanted for yourselves. You will do the things and visit the places that you talked about. That will be your tribute to him.
You will go on because he would want you to. He loved you but whatever was in his mind clouded that out. He couldn't see or feel your love because of the fog. But you can see. You can feel.
You will take one day at a time. Today you will hold your loved ones and share grief. Tomorrow you will try to be a source of support for your cousin's loved ones. The following day you will keep moving forward even if it's small steps. Each day you will move forward.
Move forward. Keep his hopes and dreams alive within yourself. Love and comfort his loved ones. The act of doing so will help you all move forward. Get help as a family from support groups, clergy, healthcare professionals.
Please come back here to all of your frens if you need prayers, love, and support. We may be a motley bunch but we have good hearts that always have room you. Hugs to you, fren.