Gonzalo Lira deducts: https://rumble.com/v1lor3t-2022-09-27-the-americans-declared-war-on-europe.html (13 min)
Victory Nuland declared Nordstream will be stopped when Russia goes after biolabs, on January 27th: https://twitter.com/StateDept/status/1486818088016355336?s=19
Basement dummy repeated that on February 7th on ABC News.
Sorry, pepes, to me, THIS is the precipice for Europe. At the same time, the storm is upon Florida! :(
I believe Poland, the UK, Ukraine, Germany, and the United States all were complicit and aware of the sabotage. This was a direct attack from these governments on Russia. It looks like the Biden Administration is most culpable.
We are at war, not figuratively, but at world war. Make no mistake, Ukraine is the key to Russia's soft underbelly. This is what the Cabal thinks. This is a world war between uni-polar financial world hegemony and multi-polar financial world hegemony. Russia is standing in the way of the Rothschild one world order.
What will happen next?
Assuming Russia will investigate the cause of the pipeline ruptures, they will find it to be sabotage. If I were them, I'd lay blame directly on Poland, the German government, and the United States for the conspiracy and sabotage. I would do this in a way to fan the anger of the German people against their government, especially when it certainly means sharp increases in energy costs. The German people are already well aware of Poland shutting off the over-the-land Yamal pipeline from Belarus/Russia to Germany. This happened way before the Nord Stream sabotage. Poland actually shut down German bound LP even before Ukraine shut down the flow of NP to Germany. Poland's government has been extremely hostile to Germany. Blaming Poland for being complicit in the Nord Stream sabotage would cause further distrust of Poland. Poland is also demanding 1.3 trillion dollars worth of reparations form Germany for WWII. In 1953, Poland waived further reparations from Germany and repeatedly confirmed this waiver until now. If I were Russia, I would offer to ship LP directly to Germany via tanker ships to save the German people from their impending winter energy crisis.