However, yes, when it comes to cucks, PDW does not disappoint. They have a certain brand of aggressively dooming and, frankly, sad personality over there that we (thanks Mods) tend to lack.
I pray for those folks. I know many of the type from other places and they're most often insecure with themselves in the same way the manipulated leftists are...
This one is fab as well
NGL, pretty good comments in that thread. WWG1WGA
Not even worth clicking on. Just a bunch of reddit lite cucks
Seemed way more based than that to me.
However, yes, when it comes to cucks, PDW does not disappoint. They have a certain brand of aggressively dooming and, frankly, sad personality over there that we (thanks Mods) tend to lack.
I pray for those folks. I know many of the type from other places and they're most often insecure with themselves in the same way the manipulated leftists are...
The Great Awakening.