I was talking to a friend who is more of a normie. He and his wife are waking up for sure.
Here is why I think a lot of normies will call something a "Conspiracy Theory".
Criminals follow a normal corporate structure as well.
Upper Management Thugs - Thes guys finance criminal activities and call the shots. (Soros, Gates, Rothschild, etc)
Mid Management Thugs - These guys are operational to make sure the criminal activities work as planned (Politicians, Lawyers, Media, Celebrities, etc)
Labor Thugs - These guys are the street criminals that look rough and do the dirty work. They are expendables. (Illegal Immigrants, Bloods, and Crips, Nazis, KKK, Skin Heads, etc)
The problem is that most of us have been brainwashed to think about criminals in a certain way.
We have been trained to think that only the street thugs are the real criminals.
When in reality.
They are doing the work for "Upper and Mid Management" thugs.
When you take into account an upper management thug like "Bill Gates". Then it makes sense that he has the resources to pull off a large-scale conspiracy to bribe and blackmail the "Mid Management and Labor Thugs".
It makes it a lot more believable when you organize criminals into a structure.
A normie is only thinking of a street thug doing bad things on purpose. They are not considering the clean-cut suit-wearing management thug.
So if you tell someone that Bill Gates is a thug.
Most normies will look at the image he is paying to keep up. They will say "No way is Gates a criminal"
If gates shaved his head and associated himself with Neo Nazis. Normies would believe that he is a criminal for sure.
Normie: "If these guys were really criminals, I would have heard about it!"
This is why you can explain. How much money do these guys have?
Do you not think they can use their wealth to keep their names out of the news?
I use child/sex trafficking a lot when talking about the tier of thugs. Headlines read they "arrested 50 'labor thugs,'" etc. and normies think 'oh good, they caught more bad guys,' like really!? That's really where you think the buck stops?
That's why we see the Mid Management and Upper Management thugs spending money on PR campaigns and feel-good stories.