My dreams have amped up and they are slowly driving me up the wall. I need to consult with others who have more than just your normal everyday dreams. If you have ever had prophetic dreams, or if you think you may be having some that have yet to come to pass, please tell me what you are seeing. I've had these weird dreams all my life, but 5 years ago I started keeping a dream journal to try to keep track. I don't journal every dream, just the ones that really stand out or that I think are meaningful in some way. The last week has not been good sleep at all, due to the nightmares. I've looked back on my dream journal and it appears 90% of my entries are made in the month of september. That's weird. That's got to mean something. Most of "those dreams" are happening at the same time year after year.
To write them all here would be to ask you to read a book, instead I'll post some highlights.
Dream Guides: I occasionally have dreams where a guide comes to me and tells me they want to teach me something, or reveal something about the future. They are also constantly reminding me to REMEMBER, probably because it's really hard to hang on to so much info once you wake up. These tend to be lucid dreams, they don't play out like your average everyday dream, I'm fully aware that I'm in a dream and the challenge is to stay there and not accidently wake up.
In April, a dream guide gave me a list of 5 events that were coming in the near future. Then the guide told me after these events come to pass, that is when we will enter the era of the volcano. I have had a dream in the past with horrific images of the ground breaking open and fire shooting out, images that match the scene of a volcanic eruption.
If anyone has had any dreams of volcanos, please post them here.
In 2018 I had a really complicated and frightening dream that I was worried would be prophetic. Again I was with a dream guide. He told me to watch what the man who was approaching us was about to say. I'm going to shorten the dream and get right to the point of matter, he was evil, whoever he was. He said this to me: Watch the skies, my planes are intercepting bombs and neutralizing them." At that moment a passenger plane gets in the way and I giant bird, maybe a hawk of some kind, grabbed the plane with one of it's feet and crushed the engine, sending the plane down to a deadly crash killing all those innocent people. Then the man said "The United States is trying to interfere and I will kill it's people." Then the sky turned red and he personally threatened me, told me he located my mind and would take my body and that's when the guide pulled me out of there. (I often feel like I get attacked by demons when I'm in these kinds of dreams, it can be very unsettling). So this dream was in 2018 and is ripe with symbolism. I've gotten pretty good at dream interpretation over the years because of all the crazy dreams I've had all my life motivated me to learn, but I wouldn't mind a fresh take on this one. Now that some much has happened since this dream, it's got me wondering.
If you've had any dreams threatening the people of the US, I'd love to hear about them.
If you are wondering if I've ever had a prophetic dream that has actually come to pass, yes, I have. They were very different though. They were very literal and not symbolic. They seemed to be for me personally, and just started one day, almost like they were making an introduction to me. One was of a car accident that I immediately got into a few hours after I woke from the dream. Same accident, same damage on the car. Completely unavoidable. I was hit by an elderly man who left his lane. The other was also about me in my car, but was about a kid in a yellow shirt riding a bike who suddenly swerves right in front of my car, and all this happening with hundreds of people walking in the streets. Didn't think anything of that dream until it came true exactly as shown a few days later. I had just moved to a new town and was unaware that a festival was about to take place. I had to go to work, got in my car, and found myself trying to drive down a road that was full of people just all over the street, and as I was wondering why the hell there were so many people everywhere, a boy in a yellow shirt on a bike swerved in front of my car and I slammed my brakes to avoid hitting him. Same as it happened in the dream.
Ok if you are having strange dreams, please share them here. I think I just need others to talk to. I only have my husband to tell these dreams to and he's never experienced anything like this for himself.
I have extremely vivid lucid dreams most nights, many of which are recurring lucid dreams. They are always influenced heavily by the experiences of the day. Usually, my dreams consist of me helping to save the world, though I have had those random dreams where you drive around in a car or you explore a labyrinth lol. Generally, though, my dreams have symbolism. Real symbolism, stuff that seems like it came from previous civilizations. Symbolism that seemingly wields the power of the Rings of Middle Earth. Magical dreams, full of creatures that don't exist, but set in real life, with normal people walking past as if the events were normal.
Having an intense knowledge of geography, I have noticed that the majority of my dreams are either in Ohio (my home state), Italy, UK, India, and Israel. I've never left the country, yet my brain seems to accurately create a scene, even including the names of businesses that I look up when I wake up and find that they are real. And my dreams seem to take hours. I sleep about 6 hours a night, and every once in a while, my dreams will have me wearing a watch, or there is a clock shown throughout the dream. It's really weird because from what I recall, the time is always accurate to real life.
I have a very rare recurring dream as well. It is not nearly as lucid, but I first remember having the dream after reading a sci-fi fantasy novel (for the life of me I can't remember the name of it, but somewhere in the book there is a description of a tall and wide gate bounded with rose vines and other deep red flowers. Anyway, the dream begins with me sitting or standing near a bench in a colorless office complex that is definitely brutalist (blocky concrete structures, interconnected by protruding rooms like a voxel cloud). The surreal dream begins to become more and more intense, with my field of vision becoming narrower and more zoomed in, I can feel my chest caving under the pressure, finally culminating in what I can only describe as the birth of a new universe. Perhaps even stranger is that it was transparently layered over my bedroom, as if my eyes were open.
I was occasionally able to induce it by staring at the digital clock bedside my bed intensely for a long time. Somehow, I was able to perpetuate the dream for the entire night that I slept. Each time the pressures changed a little bit, sometimes undulating, sometimes constant. I consider it one of my most profound dreams, despite not having any meaning to my knowledge.
Noting that astral travel could be going on from what you're describing. Had a relative who find out it was happening once we started researching the scenes.
Maybe. If it is that's cool. My brother and sister are more knowledgable on that than I am since I am still not convinced its real. But if all that jazz is real than by all means tell me how to attain 4th dimensionality so i can escape this planet ffs