I've long loved these words. A fag in the UK is a cigarette. A faggot back in the day was kindling and to my knowledge homosexuals used to burn under and alongside witches. Maybe that's an urban legend.
Growing up I never understood why the word was such a pejorative. My frequent use of it didn't go unnoticed either. Using the word in everyday speech is like dropping N bombs as a white dude not named Adam Calhoun.
Etymology is fun stuff to me. I think love is a shallow word. Godly love, friendship love, family love and sexual love 4 distinct types of love. And compounding those 4 very distinct types of love is wrong but I'm not about to change the English language. Words and wordplay can be a tricky thing.
I find "black peoples" use of the word slave cultural appropriation along with two and three piece suits. Slavic white people is where the word derives. This is all examples of retarded word play. Retarded BTW is a button in a truck that one actively uses to make the truck dumber and should never be thought of as the mentally handicap. But no one hears that part after you say something is retarded.
I digress.
If we go by the N word standard one has to be black in order to use the word apparently. I personally think it's retarded to ban words and the idea that a single word can insight someone to rage only proves their inability to control themselves. By using the N word standard for "fag" I then must admit to homosexuality in order to use it then correct? Fine.
Now what fag?
Precisely how much dick do u have to take before it's considered homosexual? I took dick when I was young, too young. Does that qualify? And if I'm "anti LGBT" can I still use it?
People don't really want to have the real conversations. In one instant I'm offensive bc I use the word fag and in another moment I tell them I already had dick in my mouth and all their bullshit comes to an abrupt end.
I'm not well liked but that's why I have all you fags here with me.
They can't call you any names because they can't define any words. Calling them vaccinated ends the conversation and worst of all they know it. We must be careful now and dignified. We need to be magnanimous in victory.
I give you this advice as you engage online. Pro Trans memes are battlegrounds and we have truth on our side. Ridicule the pedo. Ridicule the enablers.
I don't use a VPN. I'm poor. FB is dumb but useful. I'm certain I'm black listed. I know I'm censored. It doesn't matter. Engage. Tell them to go to reddit or MySpace. Take back the conversation and mock them. They can't define "woman" and we think they're going to lecture us about fascism?
All definitions by the Lefts own standards are a product of the patriarchy (which they've dispensed with). Their arguments are irrational and it borders on psychotic. We are seeing the results of the defintions of words becoming obfuscated and useless.
There's no apparatus to agree upon reality with; which is why their arguments always end with incoherence. They've lost. They just don't know it.
Words ..... are mightier than the HIMARS.
Seriously awesome. I see what you did there with the misspellings. Those mean things too.
The lefties can go get 🖕🏼'd.