Thought I'd share an experience I had at a "world class" teaching university yesterday. My husband has cancer and is facing a bone marrow transplant at this school in a couple of weeks. I have allergies which make it very difficult to breath in the mornings. Tuesday we were waiting for the apheresis draw and some brainwashed liberal walked by the waiting room (with one person besides my daughter and I) and gave me what for for having my nose out of my mask. Yesterday he did it again. Louder! I told him that the CDC agree that masks didn't work and he threatened to make me wait 4-6 hours in another part of the hospital while my husband had his draw. The worse part was the guy across the room saying he agreed with the braindead nazi. The same guy who recoiled in horror when I extended my hand upon meeting. What was funny is his wife was not making enough bone marrow and my husband was making it in spades. She had 800,00 cells after 5 days and my husband but 1.2 million his first day. Seems there is something thing said for not fearing every microorganism we come across. If you don't have an immune system they can't very well extract it now can they?
One result of medical tyranny
Bloody Hilarious
I get it. How to trust the system again. The issue was he was very very ill. We were too scared in our own brain washing to risk nontraditional at this time. His cancer is very agressive, We did our research in deciding our plan and he has achieved remission. Once this is transplant is over we hope that society has corrected itself and treatments like you mention will keep it from coming back. It has been a very difficult decision to make but facing death, we did the best we could at the time.
I understand it is scary and you have to do what you have to in order to extend life and the ability to fight.
My small bit of advice is, eliminate any and all sugars, cancer thrives on sugar. In general I would say eliminate all carbohydrates. Look up the health benefits of the keto diet, of which the extreme is the carnivore diet. It is not just for weight loss, it is a wellness diet. I bet it will even help your allergies.
This is very true. As the cancer receeds his desire for sugar goes up. We are fighting it though!
Congratulations on your husbands remission!
I recommend you two take a pro-active approach to fight cancer.
Anti-fungal PDF that's been making its rounds on 4chan's /x/ boards last couple of months.
Simply put, a combination of NAC + Oregano Oil + Black Seed Oil will do wonders. I'm not a doctor, and I don't have Cancer, but its done great for my dad who was well on his way to an Alzheimer's diagnosis.
Thank you