I have actually. Guess what it's not there. It clearly shows there being a escape and that God's elect are not appointed to His wrath. The pretrib doctrine wasn't even apart of doctrine until the mid 1800's.
People have to use terms like typology or shadow to justify that doctrine. Or they take one or two verses to support a doctrine that none of the saints in the begining subscribed to.
Even the puritans didn't believe this lie. Reading God's word in it's totality gives a clear picture of what this doctrine represents.
Yes that is the mainstream teaching you have there.
But once God showed me that the abomination that makes desolate has been set up in the temple, it changed everything.
All I can do is try to warn and show what has been shown to me. It's up to you to believe it or not.
I'd challenge anyone to not take my word (a stranger) for it. But to ask our Father, He will show it to whom He sees fit.
Sadly most won't nor care to really find His truth on the matter. It's much easier to believe what a man says that learned from another man and so on.
I can't make anyone believe the things God has revealed to me. All I can do is plant the seed, another may come to water it. For it is God that will give increase.
I have actually. Guess what it's not there. It clearly shows there being a escape and that God's elect are not appointed to His wrath. The pretrib doctrine wasn't even apart of doctrine until the mid 1800's.
People have to use terms like typology or shadow to justify that doctrine. Or they take one or two verses to support a doctrine that none of the saints in the begining subscribed to.
Even the puritans didn't believe this lie. Reading God's word in it's totality gives a clear picture of what this doctrine represents.
There are lots of Pre-trib, mid-trib, and post-trib Christians out there.
The best way to settle a discussion, if it is something that can be settled, is with a reasoned approach using all of scripture.
Let the discussions begin and everyone will learn more scripture!
The 144,000 are those who had to go through the tribulation in order to finally believe.
What is the great restrainer? The church. Once the church is removed then the antichrist reigns on earth as god. And the great tribulation begins.
Before this the church is caught up "raptured" to meet Jesus in the clouds.
Yes that is the mainstream teaching you have there.
But once God showed me that the abomination that makes desolate has been set up in the temple, it changed everything.
All I can do is try to warn and show what has been shown to me. It's up to you to believe it or not.
I'd challenge anyone to not take my word (a stranger) for it. But to ask our Father, He will show it to whom He sees fit.
Sadly most won't nor care to really find His truth on the matter. It's much easier to believe what a man says that learned from another man and so on.
I can't make anyone believe the things God has revealed to me. All I can do is plant the seed, another may come to water it. For it is God that will give increase.