No. The bible says they are the ones that are killed for their faith. They refused the mark and refused to bow to the new world order and lost their lives because of it.
This man is a false witness. He teaches a pretribulation rapture. He teaches this abomination isn't the motb. If Christians would study to show themselves approved, they would be able to discern these wolves in sheep's clothing.
Nope. If it was in there, someone would have noticed before the 1800s. The Bible says that we will be helped through the tribulation. Therefore, believers will live through it.
No. The bible says they are the ones that are killed for their faith. They refused the mark and refused to bow to the new world order and lost their lives because of it.
This man is a false witness. He teaches a pretribulation rapture. He teaches this abomination isn't the motb. If Christians would study to show themselves approved, they would be able to discern these wolves in sheep's clothing.
Read the bible you will find pretrib is there.
Nope. If it was in there, someone would have noticed before the 1800s. The Bible says that we will be helped through the tribulation. Therefore, believers will live through it.