If you’ve been paying attention, you’ve seen REPEATED instances of Putin coinciding with not only Trump narratives, but Q related narratives.
Putin has repeatedly addressed “Liberal-Globalism”, Satanism, wide-spread pedophilia.
Also, have we heard Trump say a single negative thing about Putin? 🧐 No. It’s always about how poorly the DNC are handling Ukraine. Never about Putin being at fault.
They are practically spoon-feeding it to us.
Putin is predictable, what he will do can be used to plan moves and countermoves, it doesn’t make him part of the Q team.
I like the things he is saying, but I’m not prepared to believe he is anyone’s friend and unlike Q, who says measures will be taken to keep impact on civilians minimal, Putin doesn’t operate that way.
"He's got a tremendous ego and he wants to save face," Trump added.