Some people seem to be of the impression that if the internet is taken down for, let's say, 10 days (random figure) that StarLink will somehow still allow them to browse online.
Unfortunately, for the internet to work you need both ends of the connection (i.e. the web sites) and in the event of a major problem then you might be able to connect to starlink, but precious little else that we consider the 'normal' internet.
What you will be able to do though, is connect to other StarLink users - think of it like a long range Ham radio set. Plus, if the StarLink network is also hosting material then you would be able to reach that.
The thing is, if the net is taken down for good (or a really long time even) then StarLink is a great idea, but if it's only going to be for a short period of time then it really isn't going to deliver that much.
Having said all that, if there is a plan to take the net down and StarLink is playing a part, then you would likely connect to a portal that would provide you with (presumably) crucial information - but that's not something I've heard anything about - anyone else?
Ad hoc wi-fi networks.