It seems highly possible. The ccp had already bought up so much of Canadian real estate pre pandemic. Also wasn’t there a Canadian/China military exchange in 2020
There were many articles in 2016 concerning Trudeaus first act as PM being the selling of gas fields and infrastructure in BC to China. The word was that there was a large Chinese quasi military presence there acting as "security" including armored troop type carriers. There were articles about the Chinese abusing the indigenous people there.
I havent followed up in several years though but have mentioned these troops when considering direct UN involvement in any US civil strife. Chinese face, chinese name, blue helmets, origin Canada.
Not enough research has been done on these allegations. Im not sure how accurate or widespread it may be.
The Canadian development towards the end of the essay is a little disturbing- cam any of our Canadian pedes add some insight?
It seems highly possible. The ccp had already bought up so much of Canadian real estate pre pandemic. Also wasn’t there a Canadian/China military exchange in 2020
There was supposed to be winter training in Ontario but Im not sure if it ever happened.
There were many articles in 2016 concerning Trudeaus first act as PM being the selling of gas fields and infrastructure in BC to China. The word was that there was a large Chinese quasi military presence there acting as "security" including armored troop type carriers. There were articles about the Chinese abusing the indigenous people there.
I havent followed up in several years though but have mentioned these troops when considering direct UN involvement in any US civil strife. Chinese face, chinese name, blue helmets, origin Canada.
Not enough research has been done on these allegations. Im not sure how accurate or widespread it may be.