I only want to share this information with you guys because I don't give a shit about globohomo liberals, they can all die in a fire. Here it is: if you're experiencing heart issues, if you're concerned about cancer (from the vaccines), read up because studies prove that raw organic garlic is the answer to the most deadly diseases out there that afflicts millions of people: strokes & cancer.
Garlic Garlic contains Allicin, it's in many of the Allium-vegetable species but it's packed in garlic. Allicin is activated when garlic is chewed or crushed, and I recommend eating garlic RAW to reap the benefits of this cancer-fighting compound.
How to: Take 1-2 cloves and crush them with a spoon or a fork on a hard surface, peel away the paper skin, important: once you put the garlic in your mouth it may burn, so you should chew it as fast as possible and wash it down with water as fast as possible. Make sure to get every piece of garlic out of your mouth to prevent any burning sensation. But don't worry, if it starts to burn, the sensation will go away. The burning comes from the Allicin released from the garlic, it's a defense mechanism to the plant. You can also weaken the burn by covering the garlic in something like yogurt, applesauce, or honey.
You may experience a mild stomach ache or queasiness for the first 5 minutes but it will pass, if you experience this, drink more water or stomach soothing kefir or yogurt. After it passes you're good to go.
If you have heart disease, the next morning you will probably notice better blood flow and less dull/pain pressure in your chest. This is my personal experience. On top of eating 2 cloves of garlic for 3-5 days a week.. I no longer have issues. I not only give the credit to garlic, but also fasting I have been doing for about 11-18 hours everyday.
I only recommend ORGANIC, made in the U.S.A. garlic as Chinese grown garlic is bleached and who-knows-what they do to their vegetables. The organic produce typically has 5 numbers, look for the one that has "9" as the first number to make sure it's organically grown.
If you don't want to experience all the negative effects of chewing on raw garlic, being smelly, and temporary stomach issues.. I recommend a supplement called Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract. It's made from a Japanese company, it's purified and it's in pill form so there is no smell or queasy effect, but you still get the same benefit from raw garlic. Me, I love the feeling that raw garlic gives me, I have not tried this supplement but there are studies out there that say you get the same holistic benefits. (I need to do more research into this supplement)
Fasting Fasting is important to give your body a break and allow your body to heal from the daily task of processing everything you put into your body. I fast about 11-18 hours a day drinking only water. It is important while you fast that your water has potassium, magnesium, and a tiny bit of sodium in your water. The water I drink is reverse osmosis filtered water but the company adds essential electrolytes, we need electrolytes for our body to function properly, it's VERY important to keep replenishing your electrolytes especially when on a water fast.
If your water already has magnesium, potassium and sodium don't bother supplementing, but if you're in need of extra electrolytes (especially if you workout or sweat a lot) you might want to consider Dr. Berg's electrolyte formulas.
Fasting has also allowed me to kick my sugar habit and my addiction to food, I notice that I now crave smaller portions of food. You should only eat organically grown foods that are unprocessed, if it has a barcode, DON'T EAT IT.
Fasting allows your body to get rid of cancer cells, mutated cells, toxins stored in fat, so it's very important if you're on a cancer-free journey to consider fasting. Some people do 18 hour fasts everyday, some people like to do 24, 48 hours fasting up to days or weeks, it's completely safe because you have all of the tools you need in your body to survive a fast: fat, minerals, etc. But I stress again, if you're only drinking water, you must replace the essential electrolytes back into your body.
It's important to be a healthy BMI weight, because if you're overweight or obese, you're causing inflammatory stress on your body so I strongly recommend if you want to live long and have a healthy life to consider a normal BMI weight. For me my goal is a BMI of 24.. I am currently a BMI of 29. You may be different, consider a weight scale that is connected to an app on your phone like Renpho, it tells you what your current BMI is and you can set goals using your scale, it's really helping me keep my habits in check.
RSO (Rick Simpson Oil) There are many people who have physical proof that they destroyed cancer using RSO, Rick Simpson Oil is essentially Cannabis THC oil that is extracted with heat. I do not recommend RSO because I have had serious anxiety attacks from it, but there are a lot of people who have experienced miracle turn-arounds like this man who faced Stage 4 cancer to zero cancer just by taking RSO. Some people can take it daily, I tried, if I'm in a desperate situation I will try it (I have some on hand), but for now I'll just stick to my beloved garlic.
Potassium and Magnesium These are the most essential electrolytes our body needs to function properly. I don't know if they cure cancer or help with the heart, but I just wanted to point out that people do not get enough Potassium! You may think "oh I'll just eat a banana", well that's not enough. People need 4700mg of potassium a day and a banana is probably less than 400mg. Consider eating more salads, 5 cups of mixed greens a day with Avocado (has 700mg of potassium) would be a good consideration to add to your diet.
*I am not a nutritionist or a health professional. I am only sharing the knowledge that I have acquired over the years. Before considering these, seek a naturopathic professional.
Thanks for posting all of this information. I just started taking borax today. Hoping it will help with arthritis.
How are you taking it, and how much? I dissolved 1/2 teaspoon in a quart. Sounds tiny, but tastes too strong.