As many of you have well felt, intuited, or even outright noticed in the most obvious of ways as of late, we are now in what can be considered as the pre-storm phase of things. Mother nature herself is reflecting this on the outside (e.g. the whole Florida situation); and the growing number of nods to Q by Mr.DJT, and numerous other events lining up, the collapse of societal constructs, the passing of "royals", skyrocketing inflation, collapsing financial institutions and currencies, and a host of other events (too many to name in here) are greatly indicative of the obvious --- the first whirling winds of the storm are now here. Which means that we are well past the so-called datefagging territory now, and, as things continue to build up, get loud, and get more and more obvious by the day -- so do we get ever and ever closer to the storm, which will be this year, 2024, all the way to the start of year 2025 (with some MUCH needed pauses here and there to give us all some breathing space). That being said, the question finally arises:
How well prepared for the Storm are YOU?
And, with that question in mind, I have prepared for you all here what can be well understood as being a 'Pre-Storm Checklist'. This should ideally help you, your loved ones, as also anyone else around you in dire need of mental or emotional support and stability during what is to be a greatly challenging time for one and all. So feel free to bookmark, save, or share it as you please.
May you be well and blessed during humanity's final hour of redemption and resurrection.
And now, we begin...
STORM PREP ONE: Meditation and Prayer
Indeed is it the eleventh hour for that, but even eleventh hour preparations are way better than NO preparations AT ALL. And, in case you are completely new to this, simply pick a search engine of your liking and look up meditation methods. There's many meditation methods for many different types of people, so look up as many of these as possible, and then, choose one that feels the most natural and ease-ful to you and stick with it.
Even if you really suck at meditating, you can still manage something like 5 minutes of meditation each day, or even 5 minutes each, twice a day. For, as they say, Something is better than Nothing.
A calm mind is to be your GREATEST source of strength during the storm.
For the only ones to survive the storm will be the ones who can ride out the said storm. And the only way to ride out a storm is to find YOUR own Center, YOUR own core of Peace WITHIN. And much like the eye of the storm stays ever unaffected by all of the windy chaos that insanely rages around it, so shall you be kept safe from all of the ill-effects of the madness that is to ensue shortly, by being able to keep your head in the right place (right when you need it the most). Even a few mere days of practiced peace of mind will be MORE THAN WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD once push comes to shove, take it from me. And you (thankfully!) still have more than just mere days left at this moment, so use what you have to your very greatest. And, if you can manage something like 30 minutes, or even an hour or two of meditation each day, NOTHING LIKE IT!
Finally, if you absolutely hate (or find boring) the normal quiet your mind type meditations, then, just hit up YouTube and look up "guided meditation" (without the quotes). And then, simply chill, relax, let go, and disappear into the amazing music, soothing voices, and the enjoyable journey that is a guided meditation. If you think meditations aren't your cup of tea, you should ABSOLUTELY try this, you'll absolutely be ADDICTED to this stuff, I kid you not!
Last but by no means the least, if you prefer prayers over meditations, then, do just that! Absolutely ANYTHING that keeps your mind CALM during the STORM is your GREATEST tool during this time, and that much needs no more explanation.
Give it your best.
STORM PREP TWO: Connecting with Nature
This can be as simple as watering your plants, or as "complex" as taking a stroll down your local park or public garden. For a connection to nature is a connection to HOME.
And you can well get as CREATIVE as you even LIKE here...!.
Touch some flowers, grow some fruits, chase some butterflies, hug a dog, cuddle a cat, embrace a tree, or just spend some time listening to rain fall, watching a snow fall, or hearing a creek gush by. Especially if you are bad at meditating, this one's a great replacement for the same!
Mother nature heals all those who go to her. Make the most of it.
But if you're too out of options when it comes to connecting with nature, worry not! You can still connect with your inner joy by playing some (indoor / outdoor) sports, hiking, fishing, rock climbing, or doing any other creative and joy-inducing things such as painting, writing, or making music!
The point here is simply to connect as deeply with joy and/or peace as is possible during this time, one way, or another!
And finally...
STORM PREP THREE: Rest and Relaxation
If you are having any amount of freedom and free time now (due to the Storm not having picked full pace yet), CONSIDER IT A BLESSING. Because when the Storm hits, you're not going to find an ample lot of time to rest, relax and recuperate.
Remember, (digital) soldier or not, every warrior needs at least some amount of rest (no matter how little), to recharge and recuperate. Hell, even your phone doesn't last forever without a much needed charging; and here, we are talking about full-fledged humans and warriors fighting against the greatest enemy man has ever known!
So make it a point to relax more. To give yourself ample rest and hydration and relaxation. Even if you are able to find multiple 5-minute gaps each day to just chill and purely just breathe, then take those gaps and make the MOST out of them. Drink as much water as you can, for hydration gets the soldier moving.
Listening to certain types and forms of (soothing!) instrumental music can be helpful here too. Do it now, and also do so when the Storm is actually raging. You'll be recharged and ready to kick ass in ways that are far, FAR BETTER than what you would otherwise do as a tired, injured, war-worn and broken soldier.
Some find their peace and relaxation with Yoga or chanting, some others find it through a relaxing warm bath or a nice nap snuggling by the fireplace. Use what time and resources you have to get the best kind of relaxation, and you'll ride out the storm in a way that is truly, genuinely COMFY, just as our good ol' Q intended!!
Speaking of which, here's are a couple of excellent videos to get you started!!!
Do spread the word, SAVE it, BOOKMARK it, and SHARE it away with everyone you love or care about!
Remember, the more at PEACE and at EASE you are during the Storm, the easier shall you find it to not only ride out the said Storm, but to also help many, many, MANY MANY MORE along the way as well.
Enjoy the show!
Healing Vibrations on YouTube has some excellent healing hour to eight hours, they're excellent!
I also can't stress enough how good crystals are. Ignore all the hocus pocus mumbo jumbo, Earth minerals DO have properties to heal the body and mind. A little tourmaline or lepidolite can be life changing
Yep! Healing bowls are a MUST CHECK OUT for anyone having a difficult or stressful time in life right now. ESPECIALLY SO when one seems to be drowning in an endless sea of problems, soothing music such as this can help one re-focus, or even find solutions (by altering one's mood) by connecting them to a different (and higher) perspective which might not be available otherwise.
Excellent suggestion! :) :) :) ❤️❤️
Honored to get your nod of approval, can't wait til this is all over and you tell us just who you are :)
See you on the other side ;)