For a very long time I felt strongly that there would be no red wave in November and I know there's a few others around here that agreed. There's a number of reasons as to why I/we felt this way, some based on specific Q drops and some based on logic. The bottom line is that I/we felt that the Cabal was backed into such a tight corner where they would have to engage in even more massive voter fraud than in 2020 and that when there was no red wave, it might finally be the spark to light a mass awakening among the remaining normies.
I still lean towards this scenario.
But given the events of the past month and the statements by our President at rallies and on TS, there's a small part of me that thinks perhaps mechanisms are in place to stop the voter fraud. I'm still not willing to bet on it, but I'm hopeful.
I agree with you. I see November going two ways: 1.) Red wave - it’s not set-up for this as most voting machines are still in-place. 2.) The real red wave will be 2024. The way the world is slowly shaping-up, that 2024 timeline makes more sense. November could be so egregious, just to wake more folks up. Kinda like to the level of cheating in that Walleye Tournament, recently…
For a very long time I felt strongly that there would be no red wave in November and I know there's a few others around here that agreed. There's a number of reasons as to why I/we felt this way, some based on specific Q drops and some based on logic. The bottom line is that I/we felt that the Cabal was backed into such a tight corner where they would have to engage in even more massive voter fraud than in 2020 and that when there was no red wave, it might finally be the spark to light a mass awakening among the remaining normies.
I still lean towards this scenario.
But given the events of the past month and the statements by our President at rallies and on TS, there's a small part of me that thinks perhaps mechanisms are in place to stop the voter fraud. I'm still not willing to bet on it, but I'm hopeful.
I agree with you. I see November going two ways: 1.) Red wave - it’s not set-up for this as most voting machines are still in-place. 2.) The real red wave will be 2024. The way the world is slowly shaping-up, that 2024 timeline makes more sense. November could be so egregious, just to wake more folks up. Kinda like to the level of cheating in that Walleye Tournament, recently…