And it gets even better when you realize that voting machines are unable to actually tally, they run ballots through an ALGORITHM. elections are 100% fake.
Listen, it's HARD MATH to count things. Can't you nazis even understand that? It's not just 1+1, we need to add in gender equality, anti-racism, and LGBTQP*@!#$÷×+ to the ballots before they can be considered truely counterized as a representation of the people!
And it gets even better when you realize that voting machines are unable to actually tally, they run ballots through an ALGORITHM. elections are 100% fake.
just heard the Truckdrivers started to blocking the Streets...
Listen, it's HARD MATH to count things. Can't you nazis even understand that? It's not just 1+1, we need to add in gender equality, anti-racism, and LGBTQP*@!#$÷×+ to the ballots before they can be considered truely counterized as a representation of the people!
/s just in case it wasn't obvious.