This is the beginning of the events in Red October. Trump is going to prove in court that the election was stolen. Its the only way to bypass the biased media.
🤔💭 Theory 😲💡

My only concern with this. How long is this going to take? Why didn’t he file this in the summer or earlier? They could tie this up in court for months or even years.
What am I missing?
it definitely could take a long time unfortunately. But this is huge IMO. I’m kinda in shock.. the general public, media etc genuinely believe the 2020 election narrative is settled, no amount of evidence coming out could prove it because they believe all the people repeating that it was stolen are partisan hacks, trump is considered a lunatic so desperate for power he’d lie and do anything to get where he is. This is how majority see it, the only people who don’t are the ones following closely and the general public DO NOT!! They’re unwilling to even entertain the idea, the conditioning is really strong. They simply believe the MSM narrative, this gives trump an opportunity to show the truth and give the evidence they have to show that the claims of it being “baseless with no evidence” is 100% wrong.
Am I bugging? This has blown my mind after really thinking about it..not sure people understand how huge this is.. majority I know who believe the mainstream narrative need something like this to actually show them the reality of what’s going on. If it’s done this way it makes it legitimate, This could be the way to show the public the truth LEGALLY so it’s undeniable. Imagine all the proof trump has to show there’s been election interference.
It’s baffled me why trump hasn’t spoken about the evidence of Chinas hacking and the evidence a bunch of other people have uncovered, like Italy. If he gets to reveal all of that in actual court, where it might be televised (I dunno how it works in America so not sure) and actually proven in court for the world to see.. it’s going to be absolutely fucking insane, think of the snowball effect it would have. This has sent me all the way to HopenHagen, to the purist of hopium dens
Reuters poll showed that majority of American voters believe cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 election. The general public knows it was stolen. The media just keeps gaslighting, but only stubborn delusiotards still believe the media.
I agree. The people clinging to the narrative really have to try hard not to see at this point...and I have two in my circle who are doing just that.
'Whatever,' is what I say. The truth will come out in unmistakable terms in short order now, and if they still choose to deny it, well, it's no longer my business. God is merciful, and their fate is out of my hands.