Did anyone else notice the girl wearing a jersey that had a big #38 on it who was standing in the crowd behind POTUS Trump at the 10/1 rally in Michigan? President #38 (Gerald Ford) took over after Nixon's resignation - for "spying on the opponent's campaign" in Watergate (just like Killary/Biden/Obama did to President Trump - spying on Trump while he was a candidate, the GOP nominee, the President-Elect AND during his sitting Presidency). How on earth is that just a coincidence??
Here's a pic to refresh your memory: https://www.rsbnetwork.com/news/trump-applauds-courage-of-ginni-thomas-for-standing-strong-on-rigged-and-stolen-election/
That girl also had the word "Mustangs" on her jersey.
Why do they all look like they just got a notice that their property taxes were doubled?