Very true. Lauren Boebert gets it. Words have power. Don't ever underestimate this. The changing of terminology is part of PsyOps for the purpose of disassociation. In marketing, if a product is doing poorly, it is often reintroduced with new terminology (rebranded). The new terminology is used to disassociate (blackhole) the old and start anew.
The word 'transgender' was created to disassociate from past societal negative opinion of 'transvestites' and 'crossdressers'. Note these two words are considered offensive and derogatory now. It is the rebranding' of psychiatric behavior in the PsyOps of perpetuating its acceptance in society.
This is why we should never use the enemy's terminology. Lauren Boebert's phrase-- "obedience documents" is in the right direction and a good start.
Yep. That's a nifty way of expressing it. The crossdresser/transvestite agenda sure did that. To me, call a spade a spade and don't try to tell me a suit of hearts.
Yea that episode in Black Mirror freaked me out when I realized how that could easily happen with tech available today.
But there will always be a large amount of people that will enslave themselves. When I was younger, reading the Bible always seemed foreign to me. Why did some people want to turn around and go back to Egypt to be slaves? Why did someone in their own camp betray their own people to their slave master? It didn’t make sense to me. Now it makes total sense knowing human nature and how dumb, selfish, cowardly a lot of us are. The Bible speaks so loud to me now.
We will be persecuted by such people because by seeing our light they can see their defects and believe it would be easier to hide from such light than to grow with God.
Evil and weakness are deeply entwined at their core.
Its called the "mark of the beast". Everyone's been warning about it for 2000 years that the one world government would try for total control over you.
It is not a vaccine. Just marketed as if it is one.
Very true. Lauren Boebert gets it. Words have power. Don't ever underestimate this. The changing of terminology is part of PsyOps for the purpose of disassociation. In marketing, if a product is doing poorly, it is often reintroduced with new terminology (rebranded). The new terminology is used to disassociate (blackhole) the old and start anew.
The word 'transgender' was created to disassociate from past societal negative opinion of 'transvestites' and 'crossdressers'. Note these two words are considered offensive and derogatory now. It is the rebranding' of psychiatric behavior in the PsyOps of perpetuating its acceptance in society.
This is why we should never use the enemy's terminology. Lauren Boebert's phrase-- "obedience documents" is in the right direction and a good start.
absolutely. and partly because of her strategy the entire scheme failed.
I consider rebranding to be akin to a snake shedding its skin.
Yep. That's a nifty way of expressing it. The crossdresser/transvestite agenda sure did that. To me, call a spade a spade and don't try to tell me a suit of hearts.
I hope they don't start a financial credit system when they can print all the money they want. That would suck.
Yea that episode in Black Mirror freaked me out when I realized how that could easily happen with tech available today.
But there will always be a large amount of people that will enslave themselves. When I was younger, reading the Bible always seemed foreign to me. Why did some people want to turn around and go back to Egypt to be slaves? Why did someone in their own camp betray their own people to their slave master? It didn’t make sense to me. Now it makes total sense knowing human nature and how dumb, selfish, cowardly a lot of us are. The Bible speaks so loud to me now.
We will be persecuted by such people because by seeing our light they can see their defects and believe it would be easier to hide from such light than to grow with God.
Evil and weakness are deeply entwined at their core.
a lot of the big stuff like this is getting set up so it can get knocked down. jamming the FF button on the great reset.
It's a branding iron on your DNA.
"vaccine passport" sounds ominous to me...but I guess you have to dumb it down for the normies.
Maybe it should be called "the boot on your neck forever and ever".
Its called the "mark of the beast". Everyone's been warning about it for 2000 years that the one world government would try for total control over you.
I want a signed written statement from Bill Gates that I won.
I don't watch the MSM.
Are they still trying to push this shit. Literally no onr cares anymore.