I think that is in the works. Or perhaps a shared governance in the Korean Peninsula. It’s going to take at least a decade or two to get the North Korean people used to a new lifestyle.
The thought came to my mind after watching a kdrama about a North and South Korean falling for each other but are constantly pulled apart because of the separation of the countries (and how hard it is for any North Korean to leave their country). Made me remember that many families are also separated in the North and South and are unable to ever see each other. It just makes me so mad.
I think that is in the works. Or perhaps a shared governance in the Korean Peninsula. It’s going to take at least a decade or two to get the North Korean people used to a new lifestyle.
The thought came to my mind after watching a kdrama about a North and South Korean falling for each other but are constantly pulled apart because of the separation of the countries (and how hard it is for any North Korean to leave their country). Made me remember that many families are also separated in the North and South and are unable to ever see each other. It just makes me so mad.