The way things are shaping up, it looks like the political crisis in Ukraine is leading to a nuclear threat, as the Western leaders have deliberately misinterpreted Putin’s statements in order to bring about a nuclear crisis. Ukraine is an existential crisis for both sides, so neither side intends to back down. Ukraine, known to be the most corrupt nation in the world, is the center for western money laundering and child trafficking and biolabs intended to reduce the world’s population. On the other hand, Ukraine’s plan to join NATO and to push for nuclear weapons on Russia’s border makes them an existential threat to Russia.
Russia will not back down on this issue, any more than the US did during the Cuban missile crisis in October 1962, sixty years ago this month. Neither the US nor Russia will tolerate nuclear missiles so close to their borders. So this is very likely going to cause a similar crisis in Ukraine, which will frighten the whole world—all except the saints who know the word of God and have been directly involved in prayer campaigns to prevent the world from being destroyed.
Author - Dr. Stephen E. Jones
"all except the saints who know the word of God and have been directly involved in prayer campaigns to prevent the world from being destroyed"
He should read Revelation.
From time to time, Dr. Jones has some good insights concerning current events, and it was from him that I first heard about Q. So I sometimes visit his blog. However, I don't agree with his viewpoint on eschatology. The fact that he believes Babylon is soon to fall helps encourage me to have hope and patience for it. That event seems to precede Christ's return. In any case, I believe God to be sovereign, and world destruction is Biblically depicted to come after Christ returns in the air.