Judaism was created to confront the spread of Christianity - using the Bible as a prop and also to conceal Judaism's ritualistic practice of blood-letting. Your response regarding Jesus seems to be straight from the Talmud and simply doesn't reflect the vast preponderance of historical record. Your use of the word "Jew" has been intermingled with the words 'Israelite', 'Judahite', 'Judean', 'pharisee', and 'Edomite' for over 400 years. It's use in the Bible is ambiguous and needs to be deciphered for every verse that it is used. Some times it refers to the Roman province of Judea, other times it refers more accurately to Edomites. Other times it references 'Israelites".
The Latin term "Judea" described this Roman province. Prior to this the Greeks called this region 'Idumea', which means -- land of the Edomites. Since the conquest of Nebuchadnezzar, the predominant population was Babylon's ally the Edomite. They were rewarded the spoils of war and the enforced vacated land of Judah. King Herod himself was an Edomite. The cultural mores of that time dictated that one does not rise to power unless they were of kinship of the population. The temple itself was referred to as "Herod's temple" because Herod heavily contributed to it. In 66 CE, when the Roman general Vespasian swept into Jerusalem, Judaism was a cultic, oral religion, with Herod's massive temple as its lodestar. Everything happened in the temple complex.
The Bible is a record by the tribe of Jacob who chose Yahweh as their god/lod/, governor..Elyon the leader apportioned the world into territories with aliens ruling each territory.a on world government. It was written as a recording of what happened to the Israelites under this occupation.where millions were killed as the aliens in each territory sought to attack other aliens to gain more power and control...
Later when it fell into Christian hands the Torah was altered. . Bits were added to prop up the pagan jesus ..one of the sixteen saviours who died to redeem a sin that never existed.
75 books were removed for the agenda of turning one of the aliens into the creator of all.
There was a temple where every ",god" had his headquarters although they mostly stayed in the mountains as ending and descending in their space shuttles.or vimanas as the Mahabharatas say.and ezekiel described
No one had power or control unless they were an alien or a hybrid..such as noah was and so was saved at the time of the flood
Yehoshua...jesus was under orders from the elohim ..his mission had been planned before he was born. So was John the Baptist a cousin of jesus and a hybrid too. After the death of John the Baptist who was far too popular for herods liking he was dragged in chains to machern fortress to be executed before his insurrection jesus started recruiting fishermen in Tiberias who were already part of the plot to rescue the Jews from Roman rule.
Herod had married the daughter of the king of Petra and then dumped her. Her father waged war against Herod and wins the battle. This enrages Herod. Herod asks Tiberius the Roman emperor for help..he says yes but then dies. . This is according to jopheus the historian.. the year was 35 - 36 AD .
Yehoshua was either 42 or 43 at the time he was arrested the year after John the Baptist with two other anti Roman rebels..kakourgoi in the original Greek.
Yehoshua aka Jesus Christ an only begotten son of Yahweh the alien.according to the Bible but also ..artificial insemination by a Gav ri EL...medics...who carried out the procedure .of artificial insemination .covered is the term used...not just to Jesus's mother but her mother too...these people were the royals from the tribe of David. Mary herself at aged three was given to Yahwehs temple as promised as without alien intervention Elizabeth would never have had baby she wanted.
Mauro biglino wrote a book called naked bible ..he is an expert in old hebrew Greek Latin etc I have copied from this book.
There was a book called the wars of Yahweh along with another 11 of the old testament that have been "lost"
We can be sure that what is written in the Bible is not factual. The original codices are not available and every time they were rewritten they were altered and the old one thrown away.
Russian mathematician anatoly fomenko and his research team say 1000 years have been added to the Bible for starters and events and people have been added to pad out the time...CNN at work even then!
I won't address every errancy you made in your diatribe of Jesus and elsewhere. I will say however, it is a well known fact of scholars the written ancient (paleo-Hebrew) is lost in antiquity though. This is why the Old Testament was transliterated into Kione Greek in 285 BC. Since paleo-Hebrew lacked vowels and was dependent on oral interpretation that was rigorously learned through a life time of training from the many learned priests, it was carefully passed down from generation to generation of new priests. Since the Levant was at the hub of trade existing between 3 continents during the time of Greek influence, it became the 'world language' throughout the region. Since trade was at the very center of life in the Levant everyone spoke Greek. As a result, Israelites, who were already a great minority throughout the region, the written paleo-Hebrew was under threat of being completely lost. According to tradition,Ptolemy Philadelphus, who purchased the freedom of Israelites in his territories, arranged for 6 scholars from each of the 12 tribes to translate the first five books of the Old Testament from the ancient Hebrew into Greek around 285 BC. By this time, a practical knowledge of the Hebrew language was all but lost among the Hellenized Israelite citizens.
So Ptolemy gathered 72 scholars in Alexandria, Egypt and they completed the Pentateuch (first five Books of the OT). The Latin name 'Septuagint', meaning 70, was later, applied to the translation. Both 'The Letter of Aristeas', who was an assistant of Ptolemy and the historian Flavius Josephus record in detail the history of the making of the Septuagint. It is unclear when the rest of the OT was finished in the Septuagint, but it was certainly finished by 150 BC. The original Hebrew OT are now lost in antiquity.
Much later in the 10th Century AD, Phariseeic scholars called the ’Masoretes’ used the Greek Septuagint to reverse engineer it from a family of languages that are Semitic. With the original Hebrew OT being lost, the Masoretes depended on the existing Afro-asiatic language family (Arabic) and Aramaic to successfully 'revive' a dead language that is commonly referred to as 'Neo-Hebtrew'. Like Arabic, Neo-Hebrew uses vowel points.
Even Wikipedia admits to modern Hebrew as being a revived dead language.
And the Masoretes did this using the Greek Septuagint as their guide. So, anyone like Mauro Biglino is knowledgeable of Neo-Hebrew and not ancient Hebrew that was lost in antiquity.
The word Jew is an English word originally referring to those Eastern European people who spoke Yiddish. Even the Yiddish people did not view themselves as Israelites. The word 'Jew' certainly did not exist during the Roman times. Rome referred to the region as 'Judea' and those people of the region as 'Judeans'. It is no coincidence that the ancient Greeks prior to the Romans called the region 'Idumea' meaning land of the Edomites. King Herod himself was an Edomite. One doesn't rise to power of a king unless there is an ethnic kinship representing those people. Then we have this from the Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, Page 41, which states -- "Edom is in modern Jewry". This word has been intermingled with the words 'Israelite', 'Judahite', 'Judean', 'pharisee', and 'Edomite' for over 400 years. It's use in the Bible is ambiguous and needs to be deciphered for every verse that it is used. Some times it refers to the Roman province of Judea, other times it refers more accurately to Edomites. Other times it references 'Israelites". Another example to the gross misappellation is the name -- 'Welsh'. This is an English word deriving from High German 'wallische' meaning 'strangers'. How utterly absurd for the alien German Angles to call the aborigine Brit population 'strangers'. The 'Welsh' call themselves among each other 'Khumri'. The Jews do not refer to themselves as Israelites. In the 1980 Jewish Almanac, 1st chapter "Identity Crisis" and also found in the Jewish Encyclopedia IV, 1902, p 335), it states -- "Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a 'Jew' or to call a contemporary Jew an 'Israelite' or a 'Hebrew'".
Who are the Israelites you mention?
The Israelites who were living under Roman occupation ..the Jews ..don't understand your question?
Judaism was created to confront the spread of Christianity - using the Bible as a prop and also to conceal Judaism's ritualistic practice of blood-letting. Your response regarding Jesus seems to be straight from the Talmud and simply doesn't reflect the vast preponderance of historical record. Your use of the word "Jew" has been intermingled with the words 'Israelite', 'Judahite', 'Judean', 'pharisee', and 'Edomite' for over 400 years. It's use in the Bible is ambiguous and needs to be deciphered for every verse that it is used. Some times it refers to the Roman province of Judea, other times it refers more accurately to Edomites. Other times it references 'Israelites".
The Latin term "Judea" described this Roman province. Prior to this the Greeks called this region 'Idumea', which means -- land of the Edomites. Since the conquest of Nebuchadnezzar, the predominant population was Babylon's ally the Edomite. They were rewarded the spoils of war and the enforced vacated land of Judah. King Herod himself was an Edomite. The cultural mores of that time dictated that one does not rise to power unless they were of kinship of the population. The temple itself was referred to as "Herod's temple" because Herod heavily contributed to it. In 66 CE, when the Roman general Vespasian swept into Jerusalem, Judaism was a cultic, oral religion, with Herod's massive temple as its lodestar. Everything happened in the temple complex.
The Bible is a record by the tribe of Jacob who chose Yahweh as their god/lod/, governor..Elyon the leader apportioned the world into territories with aliens ruling each territory.a on world government. It was written as a recording of what happened to the Israelites under this occupation.where millions were killed as the aliens in each territory sought to attack other aliens to gain more power and control...
Later when it fell into Christian hands the Torah was altered. . Bits were added to prop up the pagan jesus ..one of the sixteen saviours who died to redeem a sin that never existed.
75 books were removed for the agenda of turning one of the aliens into the creator of all.
There was a temple where every ",god" had his headquarters although they mostly stayed in the mountains as ending and descending in their space shuttles.or vimanas as the Mahabharatas say.and ezekiel described
No one had power or control unless they were an alien or a hybrid..such as noah was and so was saved at the time of the flood
Yehoshua...jesus was under orders from the elohim ..his mission had been planned before he was born. So was John the Baptist a cousin of jesus and a hybrid too. After the death of John the Baptist who was far too popular for herods liking he was dragged in chains to machern fortress to be executed before his insurrection jesus started recruiting fishermen in Tiberias who were already part of the plot to rescue the Jews from Roman rule.
Herod had married the daughter of the king of Petra and then dumped her. Her father waged war against Herod and wins the battle. This enrages Herod. Herod asks Tiberius the Roman emperor for help..he says yes but then dies. . This is according to jopheus the historian.. the year was 35 - 36 AD .
Yehoshua was either 42 or 43 at the time he was arrested the year after John the Baptist with two other anti Roman rebels..kakourgoi in the original Greek.
Yehoshua aka Jesus Christ an only begotten son of Yahweh the alien.according to the Bible but also ..artificial insemination by a Gav ri EL...medics...who carried out the procedure .of artificial insemination .covered is the term used...not just to Jesus's mother but her mother too...these people were the royals from the tribe of David. Mary herself at aged three was given to Yahwehs temple as promised as without alien intervention Elizabeth would never have had baby she wanted.
Mauro biglino wrote a book called naked bible ..he is an expert in old hebrew Greek Latin etc I have copied from this book.
There was a book called the wars of Yahweh along with another 11 of the old testament that have been "lost"
We can be sure that what is written in the Bible is not factual. The original codices are not available and every time they were rewritten they were altered and the old one thrown away.
Russian mathematician anatoly fomenko and his research team say 1000 years have been added to the Bible for starters and events and people have been added to pad out the time...CNN at work even then!
I won't address every errancy you made in your diatribe of Jesus and elsewhere. I will say however, it is a well known fact of scholars the written ancient (paleo-Hebrew) is lost in antiquity though. This is why the Old Testament was transliterated into Kione Greek in 285 BC. Since paleo-Hebrew lacked vowels and was dependent on oral interpretation that was rigorously learned through a life time of training from the many learned priests, it was carefully passed down from generation to generation of new priests. Since the Levant was at the hub of trade existing between 3 continents during the time of Greek influence, it became the 'world language' throughout the region. Since trade was at the very center of life in the Levant everyone spoke Greek. As a result, Israelites, who were already a great minority throughout the region, the written paleo-Hebrew was under threat of being completely lost. According to tradition,Ptolemy Philadelphus, who purchased the freedom of Israelites in his territories, arranged for 6 scholars from each of the 12 tribes to translate the first five books of the Old Testament from the ancient Hebrew into Greek around 285 BC. By this time, a practical knowledge of the Hebrew language was all but lost among the Hellenized Israelite citizens.
So Ptolemy gathered 72 scholars in Alexandria, Egypt and they completed the Pentateuch (first five Books of the OT). The Latin name 'Septuagint', meaning 70, was later, applied to the translation. Both 'The Letter of Aristeas', who was an assistant of Ptolemy and the historian Flavius Josephus record in detail the history of the making of the Septuagint. It is unclear when the rest of the OT was finished in the Septuagint, but it was certainly finished by 150 BC. The original Hebrew OT are now lost in antiquity.
Much later in the 10th Century AD, Phariseeic scholars called the ’Masoretes’ used the Greek Septuagint to reverse engineer it from a family of languages that are Semitic. With the original Hebrew OT being lost, the Masoretes depended on the existing Afro-asiatic language family (Arabic) and Aramaic to successfully 'revive' a dead language that is commonly referred to as 'Neo-Hebtrew'. Like Arabic, Neo-Hebrew uses vowel points.
Even Wikipedia admits to modern Hebrew as being a revived dead language.
And the Masoretes did this using the Greek Septuagint as their guide. So, anyone like Mauro Biglino is knowledgeable of Neo-Hebrew and not ancient Hebrew that was lost in antiquity.
The word Jew is an English word originally referring to those Eastern European people who spoke Yiddish. Even the Yiddish people did not view themselves as Israelites. The word 'Jew' certainly did not exist during the Roman times. Rome referred to the region as 'Judea' and those people of the region as 'Judeans'. It is no coincidence that the ancient Greeks prior to the Romans called the region 'Idumea' meaning land of the Edomites. King Herod himself was an Edomite. One doesn't rise to power of a king unless there is an ethnic kinship representing those people. Then we have this from the Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, Page 41, which states -- "Edom is in modern Jewry". This word has been intermingled with the words 'Israelite', 'Judahite', 'Judean', 'pharisee', and 'Edomite' for over 400 years. It's use in the Bible is ambiguous and needs to be deciphered for every verse that it is used. Some times it refers to the Roman province of Judea, other times it refers more accurately to Edomites. Other times it references 'Israelites". Another example to the gross misappellation is the name -- 'Welsh'. This is an English word deriving from High German 'wallische' meaning 'strangers'. How utterly absurd for the alien German Angles to call the aborigine Brit population 'strangers'. The 'Welsh' call themselves among each other 'Khumri'. The Jews do not refer to themselves as Israelites. In the 1980 Jewish Almanac, 1st chapter "Identity Crisis" and also found in the Jewish Encyclopedia IV, 1902, p 335), it states -- "Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a 'Jew' or to call a contemporary Jew an 'Israelite' or a 'Hebrew'".