Buy Twitter
Twitter rees
Withdraw offer because bots
Twitter files suit
Either go to disclosure or sell cheaper
Offer cheaper price
Elon buys
Now Elon owns Twitter before mid-terms. 👀👀👀
I promise they weren’t expecting him to accept and they were hoping a trial would drag beyond midterms.
No coincidence his text conversation pertaining to Twitter was leaked last week and now he closes the deal.
They just got skullf**ked.
How about take Twitter off line until after the mid terms? Then bring it back up clean?
Show Bathhouse Barry admitting that he's Kenyan and Muslim and saying "Michael and I", post Big Mike photos pre-tranny, show pics of the many faces of Braindead Joe, expose the C-virus lie, etc . . . I hesitate to quote commieleftoid NY but " in the fields of opportunity, it's plowin' time again."
Haven't given Shitter a second look since they banned me for commenting on a post by someone else about a young libtard female who assaulted a MAGA hat-wearing old white man. I wrote wishing she had tried that on me, and said I'd give her "what for". THAT got me censored and exiled . . .
So, it's OKAY to post a violent hate crime against a conservative, but it's intolerable to say I would have defended myself against the leftard moron. IDIOTS!
sauce ?