Everyone wants to be special and have special friends. That starts in kindergarten, I think. The evolution to secret societies follows the same birds of a feather flock together principle with more ceremony.
Anon secret symbol is a middle finger to the Cabal. Password is FJB and our sacrificing ritual will be pedo's and DS agents. The only secret society I ever belonged to and the only one that I ever will.
Secrets will never be kept from those who seek to control. Because the secrets contain the means of control.
The secret is they are all faggots.
you nailed it pb
We are a sort of new secret society.
Everyone wants to be special and have special friends. That starts in kindergarten, I think. The evolution to secret societies follows the same birds of a feather flock together principle with more ceremony.
Anon secret symbol is a middle finger to the Cabal. Password is FJB and our sacrificing ritual will be pedo's and DS agents. The only secret society I ever belonged to and the only one that I ever will.