Some folks could be looking healthy, but still making those proteins/prions that accumulate. Mad cow disease-type brain damage, organ failures....The full-court press from the media re: preconditioning for "zombie"-type symptoms? Might not have just been a fad.
The vaxx has been out for less than 2 years. Takes a while to build up those prions....We haven't seen mid and long term effects yet, but there'll be some.
Some folks could be looking healthy, but still making those proteins/prions that accumulate. Mad cow disease-type brain damage, organ failures....The full-court press from the media re: preconditioning for "zombie"-type symptoms? Might not have just been a fad.
The vaxx has been out for less than 2 years. Takes a while to build up those prions....We haven't seen mid and long term effects yet, but there'll be some.